Ch:12: Make-up

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Let's start with this one, or maybe if you want we could start with that one" He said pointing towards the box having my undergarments.

"Since Tae's not here we have our privacy "

"Shut up and get the biggest box first!" I shout and he obeys, quickly getting the biggest box and putting in on the bed as we open it and start removing my clothes out of it.

"You've gained weight." He comments out of the blue.

"Thanks for making me feel so good." I mumble sarcastically as we continue folding my clothes.

"No, I mean.."

"It's not like I care, by the way Jungkook answer me honestly why are you even here?" I ask genuinely irritated by the fact that he showed up here all of a sudden acting as if it was normal for us to be like this.

"I told you already." He replies as if it was obvious.

"And you think I believe you?" I cross my arms putting everything aside to look at him.

"And you think I care?" He said as he continues to fold my jeans avoiding eye contact.

"Come on answer my question!!" I insist.

"Okay then you answer mine first." He tries making a deal.


"Why did you break up with Jimin?" He asks in a tone which was not mocking but he sounded like he was genuinely concerned.

"Forget it then." I didn't want to talk to him about this, i didn't want him to know.

"Y/n.. i am serious! Why did you break up with him!"

"I don't know okay!!"

"No you do and you're hiding it from me?!!"

"No I don't and how are you so sure you know nothing about me!" He didn't, there was a time when we were soo close that I could even say that Jungkook knew me better than I knew myself but all of that was in the past, all of that was before he decided to leave me alone.

"I know a lot more than you think I do." He claims but I don't believe him.

"And what's that?"

"I know because I spoke to Jimin and he broke up with you because you were acting like you didn't want this."

"Why did you ask me when you knew everything? What did you expect me to say?" Now I felt betrayed, out of all people i didn't want Jungkook to know about this.

"The truth why do you feel that way? Do you,, maybe have someone else you like.." that totally sounds like I cheated on Jimin doesn't it?

"Why do you want to know?"

"Y/n because I heard his side of the story and I want to know yours!"

"But why?"

"Because I want to know if he hur--

"You guys done yet?" Tae interrupts us when Jungkook was finally going to say it!!

"Can you please leave we're having an important conversation.." Jungkook said calmly so calm that a shiver ran down my spine.

"Because I want to know if he hurt you, now tell me." Before I could answer I started crying it was too much for me so Jungkook got closer to me letting my body lean on his as I put my head on his shoulder and he gently carresed my hair, my now slow sobs turned into loud ones.

"You miss him?" He asks softly.

"I missed you." I barely say it as I now completely face him hugging him really tight, I was scared if I let him go now he'll leave again.

"Y/n I'm here now, am I not? Now calm down.."

"I missed you soo much Jungkook, I was so lonely I really really missed you." I said as I continue sobbing.

"I missed you too Y/n."

"You didn't,you left me." I keep complaining.

"I had too.."

"You left me..." I keep mumbling without even listening to what he was saying.

"Y/n, shhh it's okay I'm here calm down."

"Don't leave me again."

"I won't."

"I missed you soo much..." I said and didn't realise when I drifted off to sleep.


I wake up when I heard Jungkook calling my name softly.

"Y/n.. wake up."


"Wake up it's late.."

"Noo." I whine like a baby.

"Y/n." I sighs but I keep snuggling close to him, I would never want to wake up from such a dream.
Jungkook was my dream.

"Y/n?.." this time my heads were removed from him and I was sitting up straight, this wasn't a dream I guess.

"Jungkook?" This time I say more coherently.

"You've been sleeping for an hour and Tae is really hungry.

"Oh... I am sorry I didn't realise when i dozed off."

"You're still a sleepy head I've literally caught you sleeping in class so many times.

"You did?"I asked surprisingly because now I know I wasn't the only one stealing secret glances at him.

"Obviously I had to keep an eye on you."

"And why's that?" I ask cheekily.

"Because... Tae's waiting outside now let's go!!" He said changing the topic as he held my hand and pulled me outside with him, it felt so good holding hands with Jungkook felt so good.

"Y/n I thought you would atleast offer me lunch!" Tae complains as soon as we enter the living room.

"I am now tell me what you'd like to have so I can order in."

"Pizza! And let's watch a movie I'm tired..'

"Okay is chicken pepperoni good?" I ask him.


"You won't ask me?" Jungkook asks from beside me and I deny him flatly giving him a cold shoulder, I move away from them to place an order and Tae turned on the movie, I didn't ask Jungkook because chicken pepperoni is his favourite and I knew that already also he can't just pretend everything is fine, we have to talk.

"Which movie are we watching?' I ask as I sit on the couch at a distance from Jungkook, enough distance that one person could fit in, whereas Tae was sitting on the other couch

"Ironman!" Tae replies but his attention was entirely on the Tv screen as he searches for the movie on Netflix.

"Now I know why you're friends with him." I tell Tae as I point my finger towards Jungkook.

"Why the cold shoulder again?" He asks softly not wanting to disturb Tae.

"Because you can't act as if nothing happened and like we didn't just talk to each other for 2 years and I want to know why?"


"Why did you leave me Jungkook?"

"Y/n I had my reasons."

"So tell me what was your reason?

"I don't want to lie to you okay so it's better if we don't talk about this."

"Jungkook since when did we start keeping secrets?"

"Maybe since you started dating him." He says and his expression soon changing into a guilty one.

"Y/n.. let's just forget that and not fight anymore."


"What the hell guys I'm trying to focus on the movie but you two keep fighting can't you just kiss and make up?

"What-- I could say further because he kissed me

Jeon Jungkook kissed me?

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