Chapter 10: Small talk

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"You are upset." he said bopping my nose.

"I said I am not now let me go i want to sleep." If he's stubborn so am I.

"Okay then if you're not admitting you can sleep here with me." Gladly

"Obviously I am upset you fell in love with. Girl and you're keeping secrets!!" I ignore the butterflies I got when he asked me to sleep with him, i know he didn't mean anything but I couldn't control the feeling.

"I am not I just want to tell you when I am sure." He was giving excuses.

"Why?! I tell you everything!!"

"You haven't dated, ever." He insults me but states facts.

"So what? I tell you everything, whenever I find a guy attractive, even if you find something bad about them or find a fault about every guy I say looks pretty but I still tell you." I was getting agitated, I remind him how I'm an open book to him and it hurt me to know it's not the same for me.

"I don't purposely make them look stupid they are stupid I just make sure you realise that."

"So I want to do the same for you, now tell me who that girl is so i can make you realise!"

"Make me realise what Y/n? You don't even know her, why are you being do negative?"

"Just because."

"That's not a reason now tell me the truth why are you exactly upset." Because I am jealous!

"Because I tell you everything and you don't!!

"That's not completely true.

"Okay fine it's because once you get a girlfriend I'll be lonely because you won't have time for me and also you didn't tell me about this but instead casually mentioned it in front of Jimin and I'm already upset that you're getting so close to Jimin!" I was being petty but I always told my secrets to Jungkook he was the first person to know everything about me, infact he was the only person, having him kep me happy that I didn't even bother to get close to the other people I knew, well there was more to all of this but this was also an important reason.

"I am sorry to make you feel that way Y/n but you're important to me.."



We reach the apartment and we carry my bags, I ring the bell since I didn't have a key yet, a girl who I assume was my soon to me flatmate opened the door.

"Hey, I am Y/n your new flatmate." I introduce myself but she didn't bother looking at me her entire focus was on Tae

"Umm, he is a friend he's here to help me drop my bags."

"Yes, come in." She let's us inside

She told me about how we'll manage things together and her timings, she was already working and was previously sharing this flat with a friend, she was really sweet unlike what I thought she would be like when I first saw her checking out Tae.

I didn't open my bags but decided to do this over the weekend so we bid her goodbye, she also gave me spare keys.

"She's pretty!" Tae said as soon as we leave

"Yes it's good to have a pretty roomate." I turn a blind eye towards whatever he was trying to suggest.

"Y/n! You know what I mean."

"I am trying to avoid that exact conversation Tae."

"Give me her number."

"Excuse me didn't I just say I'm avoiding that part?"

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