Chaper 34:Stay Safe

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"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"You won't ask me why?"

"Stop overthinking that little head of yours and sleep we can talk tomorrow."

"Good night."

"Hmm good night." And he pulls ne closer so I place my hand over his arm and I sleep the most peaceful sleep.


It's been great the past few months with our night outs or even study sessions everything was going well.
Today was just another day when Jungkook and I are hanging out at his place, well not just hanging out considering how much we have to study, so I promised Jungkook we could waste time after were done studying whatever we were taught today.

"You're breaking your promise Y/n!"

"No I'm just postponing it." I say laying down on his bed a sigh escaping my mouth, we were really tired we actually studied for 4hrs straight that too after college.

"You said you're staying over and I know you're leaving because you're going to lose this time." Well Jungkook wanted to play video games he said he's practiced enough and will definitely win but I'm not at all comfortable with what I'm wearing and I really want to just change and sleep.

"You think you can make me stay by saying that." I scoff at his lame tactics which soon turns into a choke when I hear what he says next.

"Well I have other ways.." He lays down beside me on his stomach as he places his arm over my waist.

"W--- As if." I act cool.

"Wanna try?"

"No, I'm leaving." I try to sit up but he purposely hold me down with one arm only and I start struggling.

"Let gooo."

"I am not doing anything, maybe you just don't want to leave." he said gigling because he was wining this.

But his laughs soon turn into a scream when I pinch him really hard on the inside of his arm.

"Ow what the hell." He said turning around as he rubs onto that spot to soothe it.

"Maybe you want me to leave because you're not prepared." I sing as I walk towards his door to leave but I couldn't reach far before he slips his hand on waist once again and lifts me up to throw me on the bed.

"Ahh, what the hell why would you throw me like like that! You have a manhandling kink or something???"

"Not really but I love to do that with you."

"Shut up and get off me, I'm tired."

"Just accept the fact that you're running away because you're sure you'll lose."

"I'm tired, I want to sleep."

"Then let's sleep together ."

"It's not comfortable."

"Oh I'm sorry." He quickly removes his hand from me.

"No, I mean my clothes, I want to change and then sleep."

"I'll give you something to wear." He offers.

"Don't know how many girls you've lent them to."

"I was talking about Tae's clothes but considering you have problem with wearing clothes other girls have worn I'll lend you mine."

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