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Going back to the practical hall I couldn't help but wonder how Jungkook knew about it and now that I think of it, he started talking to Yuna the next day Jimin and I broke up.

As I enter the hall we take our seats to listen to the instructions before starting the practical, Jungkook saves two seats this time knowing well that Yuna would be with me, he is really thoughtful.

"Hey, Jungkook--

"Today is the last day to do any practicals so make sure you practice well." The professor informs us.

"Shit, not again.." I mumble but Jungkook catches it.

"You know you'll have to prick yourself, it'll be difficult for you during exams."

"I do it."

"Yes you do the practicals but use Yuna's blood." Why does he have to be so observant, literally no teacher noticed but he did.

"You can do different practicals and show it to each other that way you won't have to revise each one of them." The teaches continues giving instructions and thankfully I didn't have to answer him.

So, Yuna , Tae Jungkook and I decide to do different practicals and revise with each other.

"Let's do this one together Tae can do the other one with Yuna." Jungkook suggests but I was a little hesitant because Yuna has never spoken to Tae but before I could ask her she was already moving to the other table with Tae.

"Yuna? You sure you're okay with doing it with Tae?" I still ask her to be sure.

"What kind of friend am I to snatch your chance to be with your crush, I can make a little bit of sacrifice."

"Shut up Yuna!" I whisper shout.

"Oh come on Y/n don't ruin my sacrifice and make romantic memories."

"Ahhh." That wasn't me moaning, it was me crying because Jungkook forced me into pricking myself.

"You're a jerk you know that." I was sitting on the chair as I narrow my eyes and look at Jungkook who standing so close to me so that I have no chance to escape.

"You won't say that during exams." I really think there's more to all of this by the way he was smirking.

"Okay fine." I take a deep breath and sterilise my hand, I wait for spirit to dry and then look at Jungkook who had been patiently waiting for me to prick myself.

" I take a deep breath and sterilise my hand, I wait for spirit to dry and then look at Jungkook who had been patiently waiting for me to prick myself

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"Just give me moment." I say as I take deep breaths to calm down.

"Sure take your time." And I do looking at the ceiling and taking deep breaths, I had the Lancet (instrument you use to prick) placed soo close to my fingertip but couldn't gather the courage to press it.

"Jungkook I--

"Ouch ahh, oh blood!" I say rather excited that I had finally done it or maybe Jungkook had pushed my hand but that's not the point I finally had the blood I needed.

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