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So here I was having my legs wrapped around the guy who just asked my bestfriend out yesterday.

"Y/n!" He warns once again but that makes me want to irritate him further so I don't stop, instead I lean away from him so he wouldn't be able to hide his face in my neck anymore.

"Aww is Jungkook excited to have me here like this...
But didn't Jungkookie just say he doesn't even consider me as a girl.."

He doesn't say a word but his his grip on my thigh tightens.

I slip my finger under his chin to lift his face up making him forcefully look at me.

"You know what Jungkook...
I could actually help you with your problem" I say in a seductive tone , I am not sure if it's working but Jungkook was too embarrassed and I obviously had an upper hand in this situation.

"Y/nn" he almost moaned my name and I got goosebumps all over
Just the sound of my name coming out of his mouth made me wetter.

"Aww so you want me to help you out?" I ask him slowly tugging onto his hair making his neck look more kissable.

He nodded his head slowly and I knew I've won this.

"Use words baby.." I tell him pulling his hair making his head lean back further.

"Please Y/n.."

"What please Jungkook?" I coax him into saying what was on his mind to get revenge.

"Y/n--" he was interrupted by a knock on the door making me groan in response since I had Jungkook wrapped in my little finger all I had to do is make him speak up and reject him and I knew that would frustrate him to another level and that's what I wanted but before my plan could get somewhere we heard another knock.

"I know you guys must be enjoying the fuck but the room is empty for now so Y/n can leave without anyone noticing.."
It was Taehyung, I quickly get down away from Jungkook since I could finally leave without anyone noticing.

I leave the cubicle but notice Jungkook didn't follow me out, whatever I didn't care, I was the outsiders anyways.

"Maybe fixing your hair a bit would make it less obvious that you fucked."
He said teasing me.

"We didn't.." I state as I quickly fix my hair and clothes.

"Maybe, I was doubting you'll did anything because Jungkook isn't used to being so quite when he uses the shower we literally hear their unholy voices." He said and a sharp pain is what I could describe this feeling that I felt in my chest.

Jungkook gets girls in the men's room? Also doesn't borther to make it less obvious to people.

"Whatever I'm leaving."

"What you sound disappointed?" He asks.

"Yes I already feel bad for Yuna." I lie, I didn't have feelings for Jungkook but I didn't know at what point in life he changed so much to become a guy who broke hearts and fucked around proudly.

"Oh right he asked her out.. are you okay?"

"Why are you asking me that, I mean I am upset my best friend will have to go though such a thing but I warned her."

"That's not what im asking Y/n..
I am asking if you're okay.."

"What do you mean Tae?"

"You know what I mean.." he said and his eyes burning holes into my sides so I decide it was better to ignore this and leave.

"I don't and I'm leaving bye."


Today is the first day of my college, I was so nervous that I would pass out any moment, Jimin and I had chosen different fields and it was sad to know we would be in different colleges.

Getting into med school has been a dream I can't believe it's my first day, being nervous would be an understatement but I had to look confident, I couldn't let anyone think of me as weak or the shy.

I enter my classroom and most of the seats were occupied, I found an empty desk at the back of the class.

Making my way to the back I made eye contact with a few faces, as I smile past them to sit beside a girl

"Hey, I am Y/n." I introduce myself.

"I am Yuna."

"You're from Seoul?" I ask her since that was the only question I could come up with to start a conversation.

"No, Busan what about you?"

"I'm from Seoul itself--"

"Students may we have your kind attention please we are now starting with the orientation program so we request you'll to please be seated."

We were half way through it when someone entered the classroom who I didn't see because I was zoning out.

"He's hot.." I hear Yuna say and curious as much I was I quickly look up to see the person coming late on the first day and thanking God for that being that person since I have had a great record of not being on time.

"May I come in?" Everyone's attention was diverted from the principal to person who just entered

"I am sorry the traffic was bad.." he said.

shit shit shit no shit!!!!

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shit shit shit no shit!!!!

It was him shit why is the seat beside me empty..


Oh god please I hope he doesn't notice me please I hope he doesn't sit beside me noooo!!!!

I scream internally as I see him approaching me..

He quickly apologized to the principal for being late and walked towards me to take the empty seat beside me but as soon as he saw me, he froze standing in the center of the classroom.

"Please take a seat we have already started." The teacher says getting slightly irritated that Jungkook kept delaying his lecture.

He took his seat beside me and I couldn't help but wonder how am I supposed to react to this, he was here, should I be happy to meet him after so long or should I be upset about the time we didn't meet..

I barely heard a word this lecture too focused on planning my reaction towards him to not look too dumb, I don't know since when I started to care about being judged by him, I actually did care what he thought about me but just a greeting was all I had to do and I was getting beyond nervous.

The orientation soon ended and we were given an hour of break to interact with each other.

"It's been long Y/n... How have you been?" He asked smiling.

"I've been good..what about you?"

"Never been better." He said smiling more showing his bunny teeth.

"So finally our dream to get into the college worked, even if we didn't care anymore." I said remembering the time when we had promised to do whatever to get into the same University.

"Ohh about not caring...
Are you still in contact with Jimin?"

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