Ch 46:Manipulating

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"I am my own person and you cannot control my life." With that I leave to go to the bathroom, I wasn't going to cry in front of him, I shut the door before he could catch up.

But I was wrong as soon as I turn on the facet to shower Jungkook opens the door and walks.

"What the hell, get out I'm n*ked." He chuckles at my reaction but continues walking towards me pinning me against the wall.

"I know and I'm thoroughly enjoying it."  He whispers once he has his body flush against mine.

"  He whispers once he has his body flush against mine

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"Shut up and go wherever you were going." I push him but he doesn't budge.

"I will but first I need to teach this little kitten a lesson."

"Stop it." Why can't I just control my tears.

"Baby, look at me, stop crying okay."

"I'm not crying." I continue sobbing in his chest both of us were under the running shower but Jungkook was covering me well so I wasn't getting drenched.

"I didn't mean it when I said you can't make the rules, I was just teasing you because I like to see you getting agitated, I thought you'd fight back or seduce me since you're soo good at it."

"In this relationship if you tell me to wear my clothes inside out I'd even do that if it makes you happy, so you have the entire power to make the rules and I'll be obliged be like a slave to you."


"I know you've become even stronger  and independent and I'm proud of you but I can't help but baby you because I love you and I want to protect you so just to make me feel happy can you let me baby you, you can be free and careless when you're around me because I'll do all of that for you." He tucks a few strands of my hair behind my ear.

"Kook.. I love being babied as well but I sometimes I just think you think of me as a kid because you're older and--

"Baby I know which jerk put this into your head, that you're weak and immature because I don't think you are and for those who think you cannot stand up for yourself tell them how you always get your way in every situation
How you make me watch horror movies even though they scare the shit out of me and how you make me play video games with you even if I'm not in the mood or how we always manage to order from your favorite restaurant or how you planned our first date, asked me out and seduced me." He purposely jokes about it to make the atmosphere less tense but he made sure to bring up little things to tell me that I am strong enough to stand up for myself."

"Okay stop." I smile as I wipe my face off the tears.

"I don't think of you as a kid Y/n , I  think of you as a woman, a hot one at that."

"Kook." I blush at his words as I avoid contact but he holds my jaw forcing me to look at him.

"Now, tell me baby, you want me to leave or stay."

"Kook.. please wait for me outside I'll need a minute."

"Since we're dripping wet, how about you call me back when you're ready?" He asks genuinely not a hint of tease in his voice.


Once Jungkook leaves I think about what had happened and how I had reacted and most importantly why I had reacted that way.


3 years back

"Let's go to the cafe you go every weekend." Jimin and I couldn't decide where to go  for brunch untill Jimin brought up this specific cafe which I've been trying to avoid to go with him.

"I don't think so let's go somewhere new."

"Why? I wanted to try their tarts."

"I know a place that has tastier tarts this place isn't even good." I give another excuse.

"Y/n, I said I want to try their tarts, why do you absolutely not want to go there." He tone gets a little rude.

"Jimin.. that is Jungkook and my special place and it wouldn't be fair if I go there without him." I tell him the real reason which I've been avoiding because I don't want his pep talk.

"So you want to ask him to come along?"


"Y/n, when I first met you I thought you were a confident and independent woman but you are really controlled by him
Jungkook wouldn't like this jungkook would be upset jungkook jungkook jungkook!
How can you be so spineless do you even breathe without his permission." I just look down because I was mad at myself, spineless? That's what he thought I was.

"I have said this to you soo many times put yourself first he is not going to Jang around you always he'll probably stop seeing you once he finds the perfect girl for him and you'll be his side kick forever."

"Jimin he's my best friend." I try to reason with him.

"And you can't make your own decisions."

"I can, okay, let's go to that cafe."


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