Chapter 8: Patient

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"Yuna I am not feeling well, I'm actually going to the washroom so it's better if you pair up with someone else." Yuna calls me out and i quickly find an excuse to leave.

"You want me to go with you?" She asks and I know she is concerned about me and i know i was being stupid by ignoring someone who really cares about me but whenever I see her i don't feel the best and i don't want to be rude to her so I'm avoiding her.

"No, I'll be fine."

"Oh okay but if you need something call me alright

"Sure." With that I quickly escape to the washroom, i feel like a bad person now, she approached me twice and i ran away I should stop acting like this.

I calm myself a bit and go back to the room to see everyone paired up, one student laying on the bed while others had started recording.

"Ma'am I don't have a partener." I say like a left out kid at the kindergarten.

"It's okay you can check mine." I sigh in relief knowing I wasn't going to be paired with Yuna or her boyfriend.

"Mam our BP machine isn't working." Here comes the devil.

"Wait a min Y/n let me check this and we can start." She said diverting her attention towards the sphygmomanometer and Jungkook who was standing beside me pretends observes mam's movements, here he was again ignoring me but better than fighting.

"Theres an issue with this one and I don't think we can arrange extras now..
You can do it with Y/n and tell your partener to do it with someone else." Is God trying to get me to kill this jerk?

"Yes ma'am."

"You lay down first." He commands

"I want to check first."

"I am not asking you, I am telling you so shut up and lie-down."

" If you think I'll listen to you just like you're used to from you're girlfriends, I am not and you're the one without the device so if you don't want to co-operate then go find someone else I can just do it with ma'am anyways."I donot let him order me around.

"Fine, I'm lying down anyways I can't see your face for any longer than this." With that he removed his shoes and layed down on the bed.

I take the cuff and ask him to lift his hand a little to tie it around him, as easy as it looks when doctors do that it was difficult maybe the most difficult part of checking any patient's blood pressure especially if that patient is Jeon Jungkook who wouldn't relax his hand a bit but instead he kept flexing his arm to show off his biceps.

"Stop doing that and co-operate with me you piece of shit." I literally felt like using the machine to hit his head to unconsciousness.

"Oh is this how you are going to deal with your patients, if so then I can say only one things..
You're going to be a bad doctor." He pisses me off even more.

"Jungkook relax your hand." I grit my teeth faking a smile.

Seeing his veiny hands was already so difficult and him flexing it to show of his muscles was too much but me reacting to this in any way would boost his ego so I had to keep a straight face and keep myself from running my fingers over those veins.

"Y/n, make your patient comfortable, you'll have to talk to them distract them make or assure them, so whatever to make them relax." The professor tells me as she moves on to see the other students.

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