Chapter 29: Date

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No, I think I'm burning." He holds my hand which was resting on my chest to create a bit of distance, and puts it on his forehead and sneaks his hand over my waist which was no more blocked by my arm, pulling me closer.

"It's hot, don't you think?"


I quickly remove all inappropriate thought and push his hand away to get out of the bed.

"Y/n.." he whines.

"I need to use the bathroom." I give him an excuse and quickly run out of the room instead of the bathroom.

I take a breath of relief since I had successfully escaped Jungkook, only to see Tae looking at me with an amused smirk.

I straighten myself and walk towards the couch and sit opposite to where he was, he purposely clears his throat to gain my attention.

"What?" I ask him since he's been giving me these looks.

"I see, you didn't sleep on the couch."

"I did." I said sounding determined to make him believe it was true.

"Oh, I didn't see you last night, because I was the one sleeping here." His smirk grows wider.

"Stop joking, you were in Unnie's room." I wasn't going to fall for his tricks.

"No she kicked me out and I slept right here so you can stop lying and making a fool out of yourself." Shit did I just get caught?

"Shut up, I was inside only because I had to keep checking his temperature." That's a good reason to sleep with your best friend isn't it?

"So how did it go? I bet he was hot, did you do it all night." He purposely puts his words in a way to make it sound soo wrong and dirty.

"Kim Taehyung, I'll kick you out of my house!!" I warn him.

"You can't noona wouldn't let you."

"Obviously she would she kicked you out last night." I remind him, if I wasn't embarrassed right now I would have definitely made fun of him for being kicked out.

"No she didn't, I was lying to catch you red handed." He leans more into the sofa relaxed after doing his task.

"Kim Taehyung!!!" I take the pillow and run towards him to hit him with it.

"Jungkook!!" He asks for help but I don't stop I keep on hitting him with that pillow until Jungkook holds me by my waist pulling me away from Tae, Iwas in air for a moment and next thing I knew I was on his lap.

"Why is my baby angry." He asks and I quickly get down.

"I'm not." I walk away to get into my room and as soon as I close the door I run towards my bed, I make sure to stuff my face into the pillow before screaming out loud.

Why the hell did he call me baby!?!?
And why am I liking it.

He just dropped me on his lap as if it was normal and he did that everyday!!

I stay like that blushing like crazy, why am I so easy?!

My phone buzzes indicating I recieved a message, it was Jungkook.

Jungkook: Don't forget about today's lunch, you promised.

Y/n: I don't think it's a good idea, you're not well.

Jungkook: Trust me Y/n I've never been this good in my entire life and since I am completely fine, I'll pick you up at 11.

11?!?! It's 9 right now how do I do everything, I have to tell Yuna, decide for a dress, decide what I am supposed to say--

Wait, I'm just going out with Jungkook on a lunch, it's not a date why am I getting nervous?

I take a deep breath and pull myself together, I open my closet and wear take a jeans and sweatshirt out.

I didn't want him to think I was getting dressed for him, since I started dating Jimin I stopped wearing these comfortable sweatshirts but I was wearing it today to make Jungkook realise I don't feel anything for him and I don't care about my appearance in front of him.

I take a shower and brush my teeth before having breakfast, Jungkook and Tae had left after I escaped to my room.

Once I was done I check the time and only half an hour was left before I met Jungkook.

Should I call Yuna? Or maybe talk to Unnie? But she's still sleeping and Yuna must be with her parents, she was going back home this weekend, I wouldn't want to disturb her..

I put on my sneakers and I go down and wait for Jungkook, I know there was still some for him to be here but I wanted to go out and walk for a while before he gets here.

"You're early? Makes me happy to know that I'm not the only one looking forward to our date." He starts walking beside me, he had his bike parked already he was maybe planning to come upstairs and not let me get ready in peace.

"It's not a date." I remind him but he doesn't say anything and we decide to leave, Jungkook already had a place in mind so we didn't waste time deciding a place, it was a restaurant it was calm and there weren't many people.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asks us after a while.

"Yes one bulgogi and mojito." Jungkook tells him.

"And for your date?" The waiter assumes I'm his date.

"I'm not-"

"Same." Once the waiter leaves us I decide to confront him.

"Why didn't you correct him, I'm not your girlfriend." I complain.

"It's just a matter of time." He smoothly flirts and before my cheeks turn red I decide to ignore what he said and ask him something else, something I've been wanting to ask him for soo long.

"Why did you not attend college last year?" One thing I'm sure about is that Jungkook had a good score to get admission here last year and the fact that he didn't meant something had happened, something big.

"That... Let's leave that for next time." He purses his lips not wanting to answer this question but still Looking cute.


"You could ask something else, like how much do I love you or how I want our wedding to be like or-

"Jungkook! Stop talking nonsense." I quickly stop him.

"I was serious but I'll stop if you want me to." He shrugs as if he didn't just say things he shouldn't.

"Did you know Tae before you came to college?" That's not my jealousy speaking I really wanted to know.


"Because you wouldn't get soo close to someone in such a short time and you and Tae seem like best friends from the start." Jungkook and I have spent such a long time together yet it still seems like he's closer to Tae.

"You alway kept an eye on me didn't you." He Wiggles his brows trying to insuate something I didn't want to think about because it was not for that reason.

"Okay yes I met him in Busan we have became friends when I was living with my grandmother.." he proves I was right and I felt a weird feeling inside my stomach, I wanted Jungkook to stay by my side but he had left me .

"Oh so you had him." I ask bitterly

"You had Jimin." He replies the same way I did.


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