Chapter 47: The End

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I was so stupid if I was standing up for myself I wouldn't have gone to that cafe, not going to the cafe was my choice and it was for someone I cared for and avoiding doing certain things because you care for someone doesn't make you weak or spineless I was too naive to understand this.

"Ahhh." I groan at my stupidity and I really need to apologize to kook for my outburst.

Jimin had taken every chance to make me think that all my decisions were influenced by Kook and I was nothing on my own.

"Y/n.." I hear Jungkook call me out.

"You can come in." I say softly embarrassed at what I had just done.

"I would have waited for you to call but I'm really cold." He walks in removing his clothes as he joins me in the shower now changing the settings to a warmer temperature.

"I am so sorry."I murmer.

"It's okay, nothing too bad."

"No, I'm sorry for shouting at you." I talk clearly now hoping to make him understand what I did was stupid but I couldn't help it.

"That's fine as well my little baby , you look cute when you're angry but I wouldn't lie I was scared." I giggle hearing that.

"You were? Then I'm happy."

"You like scaring me?"

"No, but you shouldn't always take my outbursts casually."

"I don't, I get very scared whenever you're angry but I also want to kiss you." He confesses and I couldn't help but smile for being soo lucky.

He then takes the shampoo from the shelf and pours it into his palm before gently applying it on my scalp messaging it with his fingers untill it lathers well, making sure it doesn't enter my eyes.

"Give me some I'll wash your hair as well."

"Here." He pours some on my palms as well much less than what was needed for my hair.

I raise my hands up to wash his hair and he takes the body wash to rub it on my skin.

My raised hands giving him freedom to clean my torso better, untill he decided to tickle me and I quickly retract giggling as I hug myself

"Kook!! I'm not letting you touch me."

"I won't do it again I promise." He holds my wrist pulling me closer as he continues going down over my back giving my a** a squeeze before going to my thighs.

"Let me clean your legs first." He whispers before sitting in front of me to rub the shower gel over my legs.

"Umm, kook.. be quick." I say nervously keeping my hand on his shoulders for support.

"Why are you so shy I'm just cleaning you up."

"Don't forget I'll wash your legs as well." He chuckles at my warning and finally stands back so now it was my turn to take the gel in my hand before rubbing it on his broad shoulders going down to his chest and then his abs going down very slowly purposely teasing him.

" I thought we were only relaxing." He comments.

"Who said that?"

"So you want me make love to you now."

"Who said that." I give him an innocent look and he scoffs at my expression, I keep my hand on his abs before pushing him a little so he took a step back.

I then kneel in front of him and instead of starting from his thigh I start with his toes slowly going up.

"Baby come on I want to hug you." Hw whines and I chuckle knowing it's all in my hands

"Why are you being shy I'm just giving you a hand."

"Don't be too bothered by it then just quickly finish what you're doing."

"Why I thought you wanted me to clean every inch of you, if I ignore it I'll be missing a few inches."

"It's not few and I don't think you can take cake of it."



Once we were done with the shower Jungkook wrapped us in towels and we decided to sleep.

"I have a few of your tshirts but I don't think you'll fit in any of my pajamas."

"Let's just sleep like this, we have the blanket to cover ourselves and I promise to keep you warm." He winks at me before taking my hand and ushering me towards the bed.

I lay down and cover myself with the blanket as I remove my towel from under and Jungkook chuckles at my actions.

He then drops his towel shamelessly before getting under the blanket with me.

I was soo nervous when Jungkook pulled my body closer to him but he kept his hand up on my waist not doing anything making me relax.

"This feels good." I say as cuddle up next to him.

"We could do this more often." He says as he plays with the strands of my hair.

"I wish to do this forever."

"Don't propose marriage right now because I want to do it on a special way okay." He quickly says.

"I wasn't going to do that." I laugh remembering how I asked him out and he was mad because he wanted to do it first and in a special way.

"I was just thinking about telling our parents." I tell him, it was good go just have a conversation sometimes it helped me clear my mind.

"Yeah, we're going back next weekend aren't we, let's tell them then."

"It's going to be a fun weekend." I get excited a put visiting my parents after soo long.

"I don't think so, our parents won't even let us sleep together especially after telling them.about our relationship."

"It's fine you can just sneak in."

"You're turning me on now by being so brazen."

"Well, I was just giving a solution." I shrug my shoulder.

"How about you give a solution for this." He presses his body to my side.

He was hard.

________________The End________________

Okay so it's finally over, honestly It was supposed to end around 7 chapters back but I couldn't stop myself from writing these chapters.

Thank you for reading and thank you everyone who voted and commented because I honestly get very excited when I see a comment on any of the chapters.

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