Chapter 15:Lie

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Jungkook, we didn't talk for 3years and just because we made up now doesn't mean we can just get back to normal, relationships need time to build and we haven't even spoken about our problem yet, i have no clue why we stopped talking in the first place..

"Quit pretending Y/n, you do have a clue."


3years back.

Jimin and I have been spending time with Jungkook but I've always had this distance with him, no matter who it is I can never feel as comfortable as I feel around Jungkook, the three of us usually hangout together, Jungkook has started taking interest in video games more than watching movies.

"Y/n, I wanted to talk to you." Jimin who was sitting on the other couch had slowly shifted to now sit beside me.

"Hmm, go on." I whisper back.

"Not here.. I mean alone."

"Why?" I ask.

"You'll get to know once we meet, what about tomorrow I'll come pick you up after your classes end." I usually go back alone since Jungkook's classes ends after mine.


"Please Y/n, it's important."

"Seniors have extra classes going on, how will you leave earlier." I ask him since Jungkook has extra classes.

"I'll just miss it, please Y/n."

"Okay.." I hesitantly accept since he looked like he had something really important to say.

"Also don't tell Jungkook about this and you can't cancel now, you promised." He says and with that he leave us alone.

"Y/n? What did he say?" Jungkook asks when I thought he hadn't noticed us talking.

"He just wanted to talk to me, anyways don't you have to study for your test tomorrow?"

"Im done with it already and are you trying to change the topic." He asks raising a brow looking into my eye making it difficult to hold the eye contact.

"No I'm not, I really wish we could go to college together." I bring up another topic.

"We obviously can."

"I don't want to be your junior." I whine about something that cannot be changed.

"Well we can't change that since you're a kid." He teases me and there's no more tension in the room.

"We can if you take a break after high school." I suggest something I know Jungkook would hate to do.

"You are really suggesting I waste a year just because you want us to be in the same class?"

"Yes, I wonder how it would be if we're in the same class, we would barely study." I giggle thinking about the stupid stuff we'd do.

"That's another reason to not take a break and I am already a year back because I started late and now you want me to--

"Okay oldie I get it I was just kidding." I pat his shoulder and she shrugs my hand off.

"I am just 2 years older also,
What did Jimin say?"

"Nothing we were just pissing you off." 1st lie and that was the start.


Next day.

"Y/n!! Here" Jimin who was standing near the school gate calls me out.


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