Chapter 6: game

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I get blankets and pillows for us while Jungkook goes to the kitchen to get us snacks, this was just like our usual Saturday nights where we would binge watch shows or movies.

"Jungkook get a mattress for yourself it's to heavy I can't get it." I shout from my room.

"Then why did you tell me to get the snacks now I'll have to do two things that's not fair." He shout back.

"Stop being a whiny kid kook!"

"And you stop being a smartass, I know you planned this now you get a mattress for me!" He was right i planned this because I am a lazy.

"Get it for yourself I'm setting the sofa for me." I tell him I wasn't going to follow his orders, i was the boss here.

"Why am I always on the floor!" He continues whining like a kid

"Because you're below me." I tease him

"No baby I'd rather top." Here he goes again, he's a dirty minded kid but if I get his double meaning jokes that means I am not innocent either.

"Now you know why you're on the floor."

"Shut and get that mattress or I sleep on the couch and you'll be in the floor, shivering." He threatens me like he would actually do something so i pretend to be scared to irritate him further.

He leaves me alone to go away.

"Kook! Come on you can't be mad over such a thing I was kidding." I laugh but stilll feel sorry for making him do extra work.



"Oh shit! No---" before my words leave my mouth i was crushed under the heavy mattresses

Jungkook put his heavy mattress on top of me to suffocate me with it.

"I am sorry!" I give up quickly not wanting to bear the weight anymore.

"Aren't you giving up too quick?

"Come on Jungkook, I said I'm sorry.

"Next time you get snacks as well as the blankets."

"Deal!" I agree.

"And you be a good servent and get your master banana milk for breakfast." He continues adding and I agree with him, it wasn't like I'll follow this anyways.

"Deal I'll feed you milk;"

"Eww Y/n." He said removing the heavy weight away from me.

"What?? that's what you asked for!"

"It sounds dirty when I hear it from your mouth!" He cringes at my words.

"Don't get my mouth in between!"

"Your mouth doesn't go in between, it goes around.

"Let's pretend you never said that.."I say as I sit up to get the remote.

"You're scared now?" He nudges my shoulder.

"We'll unlike you, I'm not scared of ghosts." I tease him and he runs after me to get revenge.



"Y/n you want me to get you a drink?

"It's your birthday Tae and I can get one for myself..."



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