Ch 37:No escape

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"He's doing his best to avoid me, he doesn't answers my calls or text and if somehow I catch him alone so we could talk he acts normal and makes an excuse that he has some where to be."

"You deserve that."

"I know, that's why I'm not complaining."

"Level up your game Y/n."

"I have a plan actually."
before I place my hand on hers to stop her


Jungkook's POV

We were done with the day I was about to leave when Tae stops me

"My head hurts really bad I don't think I can drive back.

"Did you not sleep last night?"

"I did, I don't know what is it, I think I need rest."

"Give me you keys I'll take you home."

We reach our apartment, Tae goes to his room and I follow him

"Jungkook just get me some medicines for headache." He requests before going to his cupboard to probably get a change of clothes.

"Just a second." I move towards his drawers to get one because I know he keeps them at his bedside.

"No! I don't have any left, just get it from your room."

"Okay, I'll get the thermometer as well, just lay down."

I leave his room to enter mine, I open my drawers to check for the box in which I keep all the meds, I hear my door being closed shut and I know very well it's not the wind because my windows are closed.

I quickly walk towards the door to find it locked from outside.

"Tae, what is this?" I ask getting impatient but I'm soon turned around my two hands on my shoulder as I come face to face with Y/n, too shocked to comprehend anything because she pushes me against the door and places her hands on either side of my waist on the door making sure I don't escape.

"You think you can get away from me?"She asks sassily.

"What are you trying to do" I as in a tired voice not wanting to do this right now.

"Get you to talk." She simply replies taking a step back but still standing close.

"Y/n, I really need space because it's getting too much, I need to stop-"

"Don't stop."

"What?" She doesn't answer instead the hands on the door move towards my waist and she places her head on my chest.

"Be my boyfriend?"

"What!?." I try to move away but the grip on my waist tightens, she didn't want me to see her face

"Jungkook, I like you, I always had but I just thought I was saving our friendship and shit when I know we can't go back to how it was ever."

"You're doing this because you actually like me or--

"Yes!!" She doesn't wait for me to give her the other option.

"I- wait I didn't.."

And before I could say anything further a tear escapes my eye and I look up to not cry in front of her, she doesn't say anything because she knows I need a few moments to let entire situation sink in. She just hugs me and wait for me untill I feel her tugging onto my t-shirt.

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