Ch 13:Pick up

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Jungkook kissed my cheek and I didn't know what to do I don't even think I was breathing anymore.

"So, you guys good now?" Tae asks taking me out of my trance only to see Jungkook with a grin on his face.

"What do you think Y/n?" Jungkook asks with a smirk on his face.


"Maybe she wants more." Tae answers for me.

"I'll gladly-"

"No!! We're good!" Before Jungkook could say or do anything further I stop him.

"You sure." Jungkook asks and before I could get even more flustered the bell rings saving me.

"I'll get the door!" I announce running away from them.

"Sure you will." I hear Tae shout back.

I get the pizza and put it on the table getting a few plates because I didn't want them to dirty the carpet or the floor.

Once everything was set on the table we take our slices to lean back in the sofa to eat it, Jungkook who had now shifted a little was sitting right beside me, his plate on his lap and one hand resting behind me on the couch, brushing my arm often reminding me how close he was to me.

"How are you going to get to college tomorrow?"

"I've been taking the bus, it takes 20mins." He just nods in reply as we now focus on the movie, what are we supposed to talk about anyways I mean there us soo much to talk about but also there's like nothing.

After the three hours of movie Tae reminds us about the project submission which was due tomorrow and he had to still work on it so they decide to leave.

"I could wait and help you out." Jungkook suggests.

"No, you guys have done a lot I'll do the rest thank you!."

"Jungkook could help you out in more ways."

"Tae!!!" I glare at him because of what he was suggesting.

"He's right.. I mean I'll pick you up at 8 Tomorrow."


I wake up earlier than usual in fact I even slept a bit late because the anxiety killing me, Jungkook was going to pick me up for college.

If this was 3years back it was our normal routine him walking me to school but now was a totally different case, infact everything was different even our bond.

I take a quick shower and get dressed the urge to mess up the cupboard in search of clothes was high but I somehow managed to not do that, once I was ready I go to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.

Preparing a toast with milk I set it on the table and one bite into the toast I quickly put it back on the plate because of how hot it was, I take my phone to check if I had any new messages and there was one from mom.

'hey sweetheart wanted to check on you, hope you're settled in your new place call us once you're free.'

I reply to the message saying I'll call them once I get back home today, my parents are doctors and their busy schedule is not something I've appreciated as a kid but Jungkook was always there and never let me feel lonely maybe that's one reason I've been soo close to him, I was in my thoughts when my phone starts ringing as I recieve a call from an unknown number caller id showing it was Jungkook and I panic quickly hitting the red button.

Oh my! I didn't even finish my breakfast quickly stuffing the toast in my mouth as I take sips of my milk in between I finish my breakfast, taking my bag I run down the stairs because I didn't want him to be waiting for me.

Once I'm at the parking there's no sight of Jungkook so I unlock my phone to call him but before I could, I recieve another call from him I take the call this time.


'Y/n I'm running late I just got out of the shower I'll be there in 10!'

'Our lecture starts in 10!' I tell him.

'I know I'm sorry now let me dress up or else we're getting late.' he said before hanging up and I realise he wasn't dressed up which means he was naked out of the shower water trickling down his ch--

Shit!! Now we're late and because of that idiot I couldn't enjoy my breakfast!! I didn't have a choice so I decide to watch a video or something , standing at the side of the road I was engrossed in my phone when a bike stops soo close to me that I shriek and shut my eyes and only open when I hear a laugh, Jungkook!

"What the hell I was so scared!!" I say clutching a hand over my chest.

"Your reaction was soo good I should have recorded it!!"

"Weren't you going to be here in 10mins? It hasn't even been a full minute since I ended the call."

"I was kidding also I wanted to surprise you with this." He said placing his hand in his bike a huge grin on his face showing just how happy he was.

"You got your dream bike!" I react cheerfully since I was as happy as he was.

"And you'll be the first one to ride on it." his bike

"My pleasure."

"Hop on!" Wasn't as easy as he said it was, I tried my best to put my leg over it and get seated like normal people did but owing to my very low flexibility and short height I had to first step on the footrest and then grip Jungkook's t-shirt with one hand and then sit on the bike.

"When the hell y/n you're pulling me tshirt!!" He shouts

"Why the hell would you buy a bike that has a seat soo high up!!

"You literally choked me!!" He shouts at me when we are literally on a street with people walking by.

"Maybe it's because you deserved it!" 

"No it's because you're short!"

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