Ch35: Party

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"We could have rather gone to a club." I try changing Tae's mind.

"You'll have to pay there." He casually walks inside as if he owns this place he's always like this.

"Right." With that I quickly move towards the kitchen, I don't drink I think it's stupid but the urge is too strong today.

"You're here for me I guess." Bora our senior, she's been trying to get my attention for a long time now, one of the reasons being I didn't want to be here, I maybe reckless but I know how to draw a line especially with seniors but since Y/n has made it clear I better move on.

"Wouldn't want to miss a beauty." I give her what she wants.

"You really know what to say don't you, wanna go out yo get some air?" And it worked.

"Sure, let me just get a drink."

"Want me to get you one?."

"Wouldn't want you too do that when you can do a lot more looking like that." I get a glass and pour sprite into it and I she doesn't pay attention to it, too busy to seduce me.

"You're right I can do a lot more something you'll love." She purposely bites her lips and I really was about to tell her she needs to reapply her lipstick but it's not like I care, I'm here just to get over someone who doesn't think I deserve her that way.

We leave the house to get to the open space outside, it had only been an hour or so since I came here but I still decided to come out with her, a few cars parked there, she leads the way and I follow her, we end up standing between two cars perfectly covering us.

"So Jungkook, how come you showed up here? I've been asking you out for soo long now and here you are.

"Let's not waste time." I tell her with slight irritation I am not always a jerk to treat a girl like that but I'm in no mood to talk today.

She gets on her knees and starts opening the buttons on my jeans ,it felt wrong, I know y/n rejected me and we aren't in a relationship but it still felt like I am cheating on her right now.

"Is there a problem?" She asks and before I could tell her off..

"Get away from my boyfriend you wh***" I see a figure away from us and I know who she is but I don't believe my eyes instead I check my drink to make sure it's just sprite and not alcohol because no where in this world could this be happening.

I was busy checking my drink when I see Y/n slapping away that girls hand and I'm going to make sure to teach her how to aim because she hit me in the wrong place with made me jerk backwards. I wasn't into c*ck slapping.

"Get your dirty hands away from my boyfriend! How dare you?"

"Excuse me?" Well excuse me too?

"Kook? What is happening here? Just because we had an argument does that mean you will do this?" Y/n stands between us and I didn't know what to say.

"Jungkook what is this, and you, I know he doesn't date okay so stop with your act." Bora doesn't give up.

"He didn't but I'm an exception." Y/n sessily turns towards her, her back facing me and I'm thankful because I'm sure enjoying this, her fighting for me.

"Well I think there's a problem because a girl like you," she purposely looks at Y/n as if analyzing something
"Is not worth Jeon Jungkook."

"We--" before she could say more I turn Y/n around pinning her against the car before I kiss her. Hard
This could be the best kiss we've had.
It's the first but it's still the best, yet.
We're going to kiss alot because I can't possibly get enough of her ever.

After a while she pulls away and we both catch our breaths but without much ado I kiss her again pressing her body against mine untill there was no space between us.

"I love you." I mumble in between

"I love you soo funking much."

I really wanted to kiss her more but the car against which I had y/n pinned started and the driver thought it was a good idea to press the horn, continuously.

It was soo loud that y/n was startled both of us quickly took a step away. Before I could register the window rolls down and the very girl y/n srnt off was sitting inside.

"Uncivilized jerks!" She shouts before racing off and Y/n and I couldn't stop ourselves from laughing.

"That-- anyways why are you here?" I ask scratching my neck because I was soo nervous.

"Oh right, Jungkook remember when jin was kinda flirting with me and you said I should just tell me off..."

"And you said you wouldn't stoop that low." I repeat her words from that day.

"Well atleast I wasn't on my knees, so jin basically asked me out after that and I said we were dating." She purposely mentions that to embarrass me and I ignore that part.


"So, the girl whom you were partying with is known for dating him and their relationship keeps going on and off and she is also our senior."

"So you're here because?"

"If she is hanging out with you then it will make you the bad guy and me the stupid gurl"

"You're here for that only?" I couldn't hide the disappointment but I try to not linger onto it, it was me after all who suggested the whole lie thing and Bora loves drama and obviously we wouldn't enjoy being a part of it.

Wanna head inside it's too stuffy here." She asks.

"That's what she said.." I said that, not as a joke just a way to tell her how she pissed me off so bad that I wanted to do the same to her.

"I'm sure that wasn't your reply to her since she was on her knees." She shoots back and I can't take this anymore.

"Why do you care?

"I- I was just."

"I'll be heading inside you can enjoy the party." And I start to walk away but stop when she asks me to but this time I'm not waiting.


"I don't think I have a reason to, I would rather go inside and get laid."

"Cool, I'm leaving." She doesn't beg me stay and I shouldn't have expected her to but I did and I hate myself for hurting my own feelings when I clearly know she doesn't want me that way.


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