Chapter:27 Fever

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Sure we can,
Thank you for the ride."As soon as he leaves I Quickly run towards my building, once reach my floor I stop when I see Jungkook who was leaning against the door walks towards me


"What are you doing here?" I ask because I didn't expect him to be here at all.

"Why? Do you not like to see me around anymore." He rudely asks and instead of answering him first I move ahead to open to door, I knew he wasn't well and I didn't want him to stay outside for too long.

"Jungkook, what are you saying it's because you have feve--

"How did you come here ." He cuts me off as he stand right behind me as I enter the password.

"I-- Jin dropped me." I pause because I sensed something was wrong so I turn around to face him, panting a little because of all the running.

"Is that why you didn't want me to come pick you up? You wanted to ride with him?" He was being absurd.


"Fist you ignore my confession then you don't even have the decency to reject me before going out with other guys, do you know how much it hurts." He harshly puts his hand on the door beside me caging me.

"Jung-- he kisses me pushing his body against mine, pinning me to the door entirely. I was so shocked that I didn't do anything was this a dream?

"You are mine and mine only." He mumbles before passing out, I check his temperature and he had very high fever, I quickly open the door and support Jungkook so we could go inside, I directly take him to my room and put him on the bed.

"Jungkook hey, did you take any medicines?" I ask him, I pat his cheeks a few times before he answers.

"In the morning."

"Okay just lie down I'll get you--

"Please just stay with me." He grips my wrist preventing me from leaving.

"I'll just--

"Please.." He doesn't let me go and pulls me into the bed with him.

"Okay I'm here." I snuggle close to him and put the blanket over us.


I wake up when I hear loud whispers in my room.

'They look so adorable'

'did they fuck'

'no Jungkook had fever but we never know'

'would I look like a creep if I take a picture of them'

"Tae? Unnie?" I ask unsure since I just woke up.

"Oh you're up?
"Are you sore?" Both of them ask me  together.

"Yes, I didn't realise when I fell asleep, I'm also a little sore I think it's because I was too scrunched up."

"Did his fever go down? Tae asks.

"Oh, Jungkook.." I put my hand over his forehead to check his temperature but he holds my wrist and pulls me on top of him wrapping his arms tightly over my waist, snuggling his face ito my neck.


"Just give me a minute." He mumbles and I don't say another word.

"I think we'll leave." Both of them whisper before running out, I think he still has fever by the way he's acting.

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