Chapter 11: Box

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"Goodnight and don't forget to ask your crush to come over tomorrow to help you out!



My fingers hovering over the keyboard contemplating what should I write..

'hey u need your help--

'yuna can you come over?--

'i am facing trouble setting things up--

'we need to talk--


After all those messages I get frustrated kicking my blanket, god why was is so difficult to text a friend.
I finally type something and press send before my head makes me overthink about it again.

'Hey I wanted your help to set up a  few things since we have a day off tomorrow can you please come over, I'll send you my location'

Reading the message over and over again I realise it was a bit demanding, I mean I could have first asked her if she was free, what if she already has plaans oh my god what do I do now?!?!

'I mean if you're free'

I add to the text, doesn't look demanding anymore does it?...
Okay maybe a little, what if she is free but doesn't want to help for any other reason..

'feel free to say no..'

Oh my! now it looks bitchy

'you offered to help that's why I'm texting you.'

'Please call me in the morning'

I type the last message as I realised adding all those messages made it look so weird so put my phone away before drowning myself into the embarrassment.


I wake up when someone rings the bell, I didn't want to disturb Unnie so I opened the door, to my surprise I see Tae and Jungkook

"What are you doing here?" I ask not at expecting to see them the first thing in the morning.

"Well I saw your messages last night and you looked desperate."

"What?!!"  Both Jungkook and I ask more like shout when Tae makes me look 'desperate'

"Your messages."

"I didn't text you-- oh shit!!" I run back to my couch to get my phone, opening the text messages I see what shit I did last night, instead to texting Yuna I texted Tae?  yesterday when I was going to give Unnie Tae's number i somehow like an idiot texted him instead of Yuna
Before I could explain it was all a mistake they had already taken a seat on the couch.

"So where do we start?" Tae asks smirking.

"You're here to clean!" I remind him.

"I knew you were into shower se--"

"Kim Taehyung!! Also why is Jungkook here?" I ask because I had only texted Tae not him.

"Oh like I said earlier you looked desperate, desperate for help so I thought why not get him along."

"You're here to help me?" I ask not believing this one bit.

"Tae said he'll buy me luch for a week if I come here today so I thought it wasn't a bad deal after all how much of a mess can a girls room be."

"I don't believe you." I say firstly because he was here because he was going to be offered free lunch and secondly because why would he say a girls room can't be that dirty, i mean my room is very dirty and I am surely a girl.

"I didn't ask you." There he goes bikering with me again.

"Stop it you two, let's start quickly so that we can be done with it asap and then we could hang out." Tae suggests, he looks extra cheerful today.

"Im not hanging out with her!" That was what Jungkook had to say.

"Not interested either!!" I bite back!

"Let's start!!" Tae says louder than both of us and we finally go to my room, I was feeling weird about it because it was a mess, like Jihyo Unnie said there was no space to set a foot inside.
As soon as I push the door open Jungkook turns around to leave.

"1 week's lunch is not worth this mess ."

"Y/n what were you doing to create such a mess?" Tae questions in disbelief scanning the room.

"These weeks were hectic so I didn't have time to unpack--

"It's unpacked and messed up!" Jungkook complains.

"I needed my things so I kept opening the bags one by one for somethings and ended up like this" I explain tht it was not me being lazy, it was quite hectic actually and my mom offered help but I didn't want to bother her.

"Let's stop whining and start working on this, Y/n tell me about the bag which has things that need to be out in the kitchen and Jungkook will help you with the clothes for the time being." Tae plans it out but I'm not quite satisfied, I didn't want to do it with him, but it wasn't like I had a choice they were helping me out in the first place.

"Okay that bag is in the corner there might be a few things scattered but we'll figure that out." I tell him some hope within me, maybe we could do this today, I did have a lot of things to be put up in the kitchen

"What do we start with?" Jungkook asks without a hint of sarcasm in his tone, is this the opportunity to fix our bond? Maybe this was all fated texting Tae instead of yuna--

"Tae!! Not that!" Jungkook somehow manages to run across the room to pull that box away from Tae's hand as he discreetly tucks a fabric peeking out back into the box, lingerie box to be specific.

"What?" Tae asks confused as hell when he say his friend running towards him like that.

"How can you be so stupid how can such a small box have utensils in them, look at that one that's the box you're looking for." He said pointing at the correct box and Tae sighs looking at the size, it was a big one  so he looked at Jungkook with hopeful eyes making Jungkook sigh this time, he bends forward to lift the heavy box up again travelling across the room trying his best to not step on another box, both of them were out of my sight when I sigh in relief, Jungkook was quick otherwise this would have been the most embarrassing moment of my life.

"Didn't see you as the type to have that kind of stuff."

"I wear what I want!" I say cheeks red in embarrassment

"Obviously baby you wear what you want, I just said I didn't expect." Did he just call me with that nickname?

"Here move these boxes so that I can open my cupboard

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"Here move these boxes so that I can open my cupboard." Without another word he does as said, moving those heavy boxes putting them on top of one another.

"Let's put these boxes away as well so we can open 1 box at a time and set everything up properly." He said pointing towards the box on the bed and I agree with the plan, both of us lift those boxes and put them in the corner of the room and Jungkook takes a box to start with.

"Let's start with this one, or maybe if you want we could start with that one" He said pointing towards the box having my undergarments.

"Since Tae's not here we have our privacy "


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