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We found Andre and just as we were about to share our ice-cream, some lollipop sentimonster showed up in the distance. I heard Mari mutter something under her breath that sounded like: 'Ugh, doesn't Hawkmoth ever sleep?' She looked at me again as if in pain like there was an arrow in her heart. I knew the feeling; I was feeling it too.

She ran into my arms and started sobbing into my shoulder. It was so sudden that I almost dropped the ice-cream. I got flashbacks to when she was crying as I was hugging her just before she told me that she was Ladybug. My heart just broke for her.

'I'm so sorry Luka' she whispered in between sobs.

'I'll always love you my melody, no matter what' I assured her as I whispered into her ear. My response seemed to calm her down as I lovingly rubbed her back with my free hand and she relaxed in my arms.

'Go' I whispered. 'After all, it's not the first time we've shared ice-cream together. We can share an ice-cream another time.'

She broke out of the hug and smiled and kissed my cheek as she ran off to transform, leaving me alone to eat the ice-cream before it melted all by myself. Luckily, I was hungry.

Over the next few days, we tried to have dates but somehow most of the time they always seemed to be interrupted by Hawkmoth's Akuma attacks. But that wouldn't stop me from loving my melody any less. I always made sure I reminded her of that.

One Kitty Section rehearsal, Mari was running late due to an akuma attack. She'd texted me that she's on her way. We call it 'Code A' when an akuma is involved.

'Ready to try your new song Luka?' Rose asked.

'Can we wait just a few more minutes? Mari's on her way. Besides, I have a surprise for her' I smiled.

'How cute!' Rose replied in her sweet as sugar voice. 'Okay Luka, but we'd better get started soon, it'll be dark before long.'

Five minutes later and Mari came running on board the Liberty. I smiled as she sat down next to Alya who had saved her a seat.

'I'd like to dedicate this song to an amazing girl' I smiled, looking right at Mari as she blushed. 'Marinette Dupain-Cheng, this one is for you.'

Ivan counted us in as we started playing a brand-new song I wrote called 'Girl Next Door'.

Mari smiled from ear to ear and mouthed 'thank you!' to me as I winked back at her.




















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