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In Adrien's room, Kagami takes a juice from Marinette's tray. 'Hello, Marinette, it's good to see you again.' 'Likewise, Kagami!' Marinette replies, as Kagami sits next to Chloe and sips her juice and Chloe and Kagami start staring at each other angrily.

Marinette goes up to Felix, standing alone in a corner of the room, and offers him the last juice from her tray, which he takes.

Felix looks at her closely. 'I remember you...weren't you the one from that video that was head over heels for my cousin?'

'Not any more, I have a boyfriend now!' Marinette replied.

'Sure, sure, I believe you...' he replies, seemingly unconvinced.

What a jerk Mari thinks and she leaves the room with her now empty tray.

Felix notices her leaving, and also tries to get out of the room.

'I need to speak to my mother' Felix says, walking out of the room.

'Uh, I'm so BORED!' Chloe says. 'I didn't realise we can't even have our phones with us. If I had known that, I would have gladly let my lame half-sister come instead of me! And I can't believe baker girl is here serving us drinks. If it's bad enough I have to see her at school, I have to see her everywhere else I go?'

Adrien sits on the other side of Kagami. Adrien smiles at her, and Kagami smiles slightly back.


Meanwhile, after Felix left the room after Marinette, he sees Mari alone, looking lost trying to find her way back to the kitchen. Felix smirks, and walks over to her.

'You know Marinette, you're a beautiful girl....'

She turns around in surprise.

'You're different from all the other girls like Chloe we only see at these types of parties...I'll bet your "boyfriend" could never be as charming as me.' Felix takes her hand and tries to kiss it, but she pulls it away.

'He's more charming than you'll ever be!' Marinette replies, feeling annoyed.

'Such spirit,' Felix replies, with a grin. 'Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but there's somewhere I need to be. Until next time...princess' he says as he winks and walks away.

Marinette rolls her eyes. Ugh, gag me she thinks to herself as she sees him enter a room. Then she notices Gabriel Agreste going into the same room Felix entered, and quiety closing the door.

Now he's going to get in trouble for sure! Marinette grinned. She decided to listen against the door and try and eavesdrop on their conversation.

Felix enters Gabriel's atelier. Senti-Gabriel follows him carefully and enters the atelier.

There, Felix sees the portrait of his aunt, Emilie Agreste, and smiles.

Senti-Gabriel, from behind Felix, asks him, 'What are you looking for, Felix?'

Felix turns around. 'You. I'd like to get to know you better, uncle.'

'It's true. You don't know me very well at all, otherwise you wouldn't have given me a fake ring. Where did you put the real ring? The one that belongs to my wife?' Gabriel demands.

'In a safe place' Felix replies.

'Wherever it is, you're going to give it back to me' Gabriel says.

'How do you plan to make me do that, by using your powers... Shadowmoth?'

'I am Gabriel Agreste, and I do indeed have every power I need to find my wife's ring, including the power to destroy your life. I don't need to be Shadowmoth for that.'

'I knew you were no ordinary uncle' Felix smirks.

Gabriel prepares to snap his fingers. 'And now you know that I only need to snap my fingers to make you disappear from here.'

'You wouldn't dare!' Felix replies.

'Do you want to take that risk, Félix? Think of your mother.'


Outside the door, Marinette could only make out some of the conversation, but she hears Felix say Shadowmoth, talking about a ring, and destroy with a click of their fingers.

Sarah, called her from the kitchen, 'Marinette! Where are you?' Marinette runs off to the sound of her voice to return to her duties.

I wonder what Felix could know about Shadowmoth? Mari wonders, as she contemplates asking to leave early, disgusted by Felix's advances.

'Where were you?' Sarah asked.

'Sorry, I got lost!' Marinette said.

'Well don't worry about that now. Here, take more drinks to Adrien and his friends' Sarah says, handing her a tray of drinks.

'Right away!' Marinette replies. Maybe it will be all right if I just avoid being alone with Felix for the rest of the night Mari thought.

Felix meanwhile, backs up to Emilie's portrait. Then, an akuma enters the room and enters into Felix's ring.

Shadowmoth speaks to him from Nathalie's room. "Felix, I am Shadow Moth. You've put yourself in an unfortunate situation by trying to defy someone stronger than you. But I can give you the power to escape Gabriel Agreste. All I ask in return are Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous."

'This is impossible! I'm not mistaken. You are wearing a Miraculous. Those jewels are underneath your scarf, the brooches!'

'Brooches? What are you talking about?' Gabriel replies, and removes his scarf, revealing nothing behind it.

"You really think that Gabriel Agreste could be Shadowmoth?" Shadowmoth laughs. "He doesn't have what it takes! And neither do you. Accept the power I'm offering you!"

'I'm not afraid of your threats, and I don't need your power!' Felix cries.

Felix breaks through Shadow Moth's akumatization and an akuma flies out of his ring. He takes a cufflink from his shirt and slides beside Senti-Gabriel, and while sliding, Felix makes a small tear in Senti-Gabriel's pants near the shoe, and runs out of the room.

'Come back!' Senti-Gabriel cries.

After going out of the room, Felix closes the door and throws a chair, to block the door and runs away.


Back in Nathalie's room, Nathalie suggests, 'Use your anger to akumatize the sentimonster.'

The akuma gets inside Senti-Gabriel's tablet.

Shadowmoth speaks to him from Nathalie's bedroom. 'Collector, you have failed in the task of getting that boy to tell you his secret. So, now I give you the power to take it by force!'

Senti-Gabriel is akumatized into the Collector.




















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