Prologue - Part 4

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Hawkmoth had captured the miracle box and Master Fu and taken them to the rooftop of the Palais de Chaillot. Master Fu managed to use the turtle miraculous to transform into Jade Turtle and made a shelter to protect himself and Mayura stood guard over him. Hawkmoth meanwhile, took the bee miraculous and went to see Chloe on the roof of the Le Grand Paris Hotel.

'Hawkmoth! You akumatised my parents!' she said angrily.

'That's true, but I only did it to make you see that Ladybug will never give you the bee miraculous again. I however always keep my promises.'

He opens his hand to reveal the bee hair comb.

Chloe gasps. 'That can't be real. How do you have it?' Chloe replied sceptically.

'Try it!' Hawkmoth said.

'Deakumatise my parents first!' Chloe said.

'You're wish is my command!' He clicked his fingers and Chloe's parents were deakumatised.

While this was happening, Ladybug had just used her Lucky Charm when Chloe's parents just detransformed in mid-air but thanks to some quick-thinking Ladybug and Cat Noir were able to catch them.

'Is it just me, or did they just deakumatise all by themselves?' Cat Noir said, confused.

'Seems that way...strange. Miraculous Ladybug!' she said as she threw her Lucky Charm up in the air and all the people who were devoured by Heart Hunter reappeared back to where they were when they were captured.

'Pound it!' they said together as they did their signature fist bump.

'Gotta go, I'm about to transform back and I need to give the dragon miraculous back to Master Fu. Bye kitty!' Ladybug said as she swung away and detransformed in secret.

Cat Noir had detransformed back into Adrien in secret and found Kagami back where she was captured.

'Kagami!' he called out as he ran up to her. 'Are you okay?'

'I'm fine. Did you manage to get away?' she asked.

'Yes, all good' Adrien smiled. 'Ladybug and Cat Noir were able to save the day.'

'I'm glad' Kagami smiled. And they resumed their date.

Marinette went to take the dragon miraculous back to Master Fu at the merry-go-round. She saw signs of a struggle and she gasped as she tried calling Master Fu but it went to his voicemail.

'Don't worry Marinette' Tikki said. 'Master Fu is very wise. If anything has happened, he'll know what to do.'

'I hope so Tikki' she replied. But she was feeling very upset that it was her fault that Master Fu was missing.

She left the park and Luka cycled up.

'Marinette, I was looking for you. Did you manage to get away?'

She looked at him with tears in her eyes.

'Are you okay?' Luka asked her with concern.

'Yeah, I'm fine' she replied, but very unconvincingly.

Then she burst into tears.

'Actually no, I'm not fine!'

Luka got off his bike and came over and held her in his arms.

'I'm so tired Luka! Of all these responsibilities and having to put up a front all the time! Of never being able to be who I truly am!'

She sobs into his shirt.

'It's okay Marinette. You can tell me everything.... or nothing if you prefer. You can be yourself with me you know? Just yourself' Luka smiled at her, hating to see her feel so down about herself.

Just yourself. Just...yourself. Those words resonated in Marinette's heart like a melody. She looked up at him, into his loving blue eyes and realised that she really only felt herself around Luka. She realised that he loves her for who she is, for all her awkward moments, for all her triumphs as well as all her failings. It was him who was meant to be her soulmate, the ying to her yang. She smiled and kissed him passionately as he put his arms around her in a loving embrace.














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