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I woke up early, yawned and stretched. Suddenly, I heard Mom calling me.

'Marinette! Did you forget what day it is?'

'Oh no, it's flour delivery day Tikki!' I cried as I yelled, 'Coming!' as I threw on my clothes, checked my hair looked okay and ran downstairs.

It was always hectic on flour delivery day for our shop so I always help out. Luka had been coming by to drop me to school on his bike before heading to his own performing arts school as Françoise Dupont is on his way. On flour delivery day he was always extra early to help us out even more.

'Morning Mom, morning Dad! Morning my prince!' I said as I came downstairs.

'Morning Marinette!' they all replied. 'Now get an apron on, customers at 9 o'clock!' Mom said.

'But it's only 7:30!' I replied jokingly, as Luka chuckled and tied my apron for me.

About 10 minutes later a new girl I'd never seen before came in. I was carrying some apples out and tripped over my own feet. Luka tried to grab me, but I crashed into the girl and the apples went everywhere.

'Is everyone all right?' the girl asked.

'Sorry, sorry, sorry!' I said, feeling more embarrassed than anything.

'It's totally okay, but maybe I should be asking if you're okay. That was quite a fall!' the blonde-haired girl with deep blue eyes said as she smiled at me.

I chuckle. 'Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, thanks. I'm pretty clumsy so I'm used to it. Come to think of it, I fall a lot. I fall on my face, fall asleep, fall out of bed, fall apart at the seams, fall in love...' I say as I look at Luka who was helping me pick up the apples as the girl laughs. 'I really am sorry about all of this; how can I make it up to you?'

'It's nothing, don't worry!' the girl replies.

'Mom, can you put together a dozen more croissants for...'


'Hello, Zoe, I'm Miss Walking Disaster, Marinette. And this is my boyfriend Luka.'

'Nice to meet you Zoe' Luka smiles.

'Nice to meet you both too!' she replies.

'Where's your accent from?' I ask. 'It's really pretty!'

'I'm from New York' Zoe replies.

'Wow, cool! And what are you doing in Paris?'

'I'm- uh- here to be with my family.'

'Well then it's gonna be a great trip, no matter where you are, if you're with the ones you love, then you feel right at home' I smile.

As we finish picking up the rest of the apples, I notice Zoe's shoes. 'Wow, your sneakers are awesome! Did you decorate them yourself?'

'Yeah, I've written every nice thing that anyone's ever said to me, to keep them with me all the time.'

'But there's only one message!' I reply.

'I only had one friend' she says sadly.

'Oh...' I grab a bunch of pastries for Zoe and place them in a bag. 'If you're not doing anything with your family tonight, my friends are performing a concert on a river barge. Let me give you my number!' I write my number on one of the pastry boxes.

'It's called the Liberty; I live there with my Mom and my sister' Luka adds. 'You're welcome anytime.'

'Thanks. I can give you my number too if you want.' Zoe smiles at me. I hold out my hand and smile.

'This way I won't lose it for sure!' I say as Zoe writes her number on my hand.

'Bye!' Zoe calls out as she leaves.

'See you tonight!' I call back.

'She seems nice!' I say to Luka. 'Do you think she'll come tonight?'

'I hope so. To come from a place where she only had one friend seems sad. I'm sure you, Rose and everyone would welcome her with open arms' Luka smiles.

'Thanks for the help you two, I think your mother and I can take it from here' Dad winks. 'You'd better get ready for school!'

'I need a quick shower first; I'm covered in flour!' I say. 'Wait here for me my prince' I say to Luka as I kiss him on the cheek as he chuckles and nods as I run upstairs.



















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