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Mom and Dad, as well as the whole houseboat were being engulfed by the akuma's power, turning them into Captain Hardrock and Guitar Villain, respectively. Marinette, Luka and I ran to the top of the boat.

'Everybody, get out of the boat! Quick!' Marinette cried as we all ran off the boat.

We all step out to the docks and gasp in horror as the houseboat is completely engulfed by the akuma. Captain Hardrock on board the Liberty and Guitar Villain on Dragon Fang's back are now floating in the sky, facing off against each other.

'Ye selfish sea dog, ye sailed off on your own cruise leaving two little mateys behind!' Mom cried.

'I had to go solo after you destroyed our duo!' Dad cried.

'Liberty!' Mom cried, bringing out her cutlass. 'Fire!!'

Mom begins to fire cannonballs at Dad, who dodges them.

'Ultimate Solo!' Dad cried out as powerful ripples from his guitar pushes Mom aback, as well as the vehicles on the ground.

Watching them fight was breaking my heart. I watched on, feeling helpless and distraught. 'Stop arguing, start talking!' I said softy, praying they could somehow hear me.

'I'll see if I can find help!' Marinette said as she ran away. She's always so brave. I wished I could be more like her.

Luka and I continue to watch Mom and Dad fight. We look at each other sadly and Luka puts his arm around me, giving me a side hug as I leaned into him.

'I just wish they would talk it out' I said softly.

'Me too sis, me too' he replied.

I sighed. 'I'm so sorry that I didn't just talk to you before bro. I jumped to conclusions and Marinette helped me realize that because of not talking it out, misunderstandings can happen.'

Luka smiled. 'It's all good Jules. Even though it doesn't look like Mom and Dad don't love each other anymore, it doesn't mean that they love us any less or one of us less than the other. Always remember that sis' he says as he kisses my hair.

'Thanks bro, I will' I smiled back.

Mom growled at Dad. 'Come back here, you scallywag!'

'You have to catch me!' Dad cried.

'Ladybug's here!' I smiled as I see her yo-yo trying to lasso Dad, but he dodges it.

'Ha ha ha! Your powers are off-key, Ladybug!' Dad yelled.

'You shouldn't venture into deep waters if you don't know how to swim!' Mom retorted.

'Ladybug's miraculous is mine!' Dad shouted.

'No, mine!!' Mom yelled back.

Mom and Dad fly towards Ladybug and we lost sight of them for a while.

Luka smiled at me. 'Don't worry sis. Ladybug and Cat Noir will save our parents, I know it.'

'I hope so, bro' I answered, hugging him.

It wasn't long before one of Mom's stray cannonballs started heading straight for Luka and me. Luckily Ladybug and Cat Noir pushed us both out of the way just in time.

Ladybug sighed. 'To think that they were in love once...'

'Looks like those feelings are long gone' Luka replied sadly.

Ladybug detaches her yo-yo from her waist. 'Still, it's no reason to stop talking to each other. Lucky Charm!'

As she summons her power, a tape roll lands in her hands.

'Not sure if that's gonna be strong enough to patch things up between them, LB' Cat Noir observed.

'We need someone they'll listen to!' Ladybug replied.

Ladybug hurls her yo-yo away and comes up to me and holds me beside her. Surely, she doesn't mean me! I thought to myself. Then she turns to my brother, who smiled. Is he supporting this? Surely, he'd be the better person to... But I didn't have time to think about that.

'Luka, don't stay here. We'll talk later. I-I mean, it's not safe' she says as she swings away with me.





























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