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That afternoon after school, Juleka went home to the Liberty and went down to the cabin she shares with Luka. He was sitting on his bed playing his guitar.

'Hey sis, you seem sad. Everything okay?' he asked her as he stops playing.

Juleka took a deep breath. 'No, actually... there's something that I need to tell you about.'

Luka pats the bed beside him. 'Take a seat Jules. Tell me what's wrong.'

'Do you remember when Rose used to get sick a lot when we were around 7 years old?' Juleka asks.

*Flashback scene to when they are 7 years old*

'Hey, Juleka, I thought you were going to go to Rose's house to play?' Luka asks.

'Her mom called me; she's not feeling well.'

'Again? She seems to get sick a lot. Why don't we write her a get-well card together sis?'

'Okay...' Juleka smiles.

*End of flashback*

'Yeah, I do remember that' Luka smiles. 'We wrote her a lot of get-well cards over the years. And she was always so upbeat about it' Luka smiled, remembering.

'Yeah, well a couple of years after that when we were nine, she told me that she was sick in bed but one day I decided to call her house to talk to her, but Rose's dad answered. I asked him if Rose was available to talk but he said, "Oh Juleka honey, Rose isn't sick at home, she's in the hospital." So, I said, "The hospital? Why? Is she okay?" He said "She's okay, but she didn't tell you anything?" I told him "No...she didn't" So he picked me up in his car to take me to see her.'

'Oh Jules...' Luka said, looking worried.

'When I got there, I saw her mom first. She smiled at me and told me that as a young girl, Rose had a malignant tumour in her head that was luckily caught early because she had headaches a lot and the doctors did a CT scan of her head because they wanted to see what was going on. She underwent surgery and chemotherapy and they think they got it all, but there is always the chance of the cancer returning. So, she has periodical CT scans as well as if she ever gets headaches again, she has to go back for a scan as well. Which is what happened today.'

'Oh Juleka...' Luka said hugging her. 'Why didn't you ever tell me how serious it was?'

'She made me promise not to tell my friends or family. She didn't want to be treated any differently. She wanted everyone to see her as the same, happy upbeat Rose that loves her friends and not see her sad or in pain.'

'But Jules, that's a lot of burden to put on a nine-year-old girl! How have you managed to keep it a secret all that time?'

'It was difficult, but now Marinette and everyone know as well. Adrien says I shouldn't have to bear this burden alone.'

'And he's right sis, you shouldn't...' Luka sighs as he continues to hug her. 'Something as serious as this you shouldn't keep to yourself or one day you'll explode!'

Juleka giggles. 'You're right bro.'

'Promise me you'll tell me everything from now on? And I mean everything?' Luka smiled.

'I promise bro.' Juleka smiled in reply. 'Marinette told me they won't say anything, but now they know what I'm going through, they can help me if I need it.'

'That's so like Mari. I need to thank her later!' Luka giggled. 'Do you know when Rose will be out of hospital?'

'She told me the scan was all clear, so she should be back at school tomorrow' Juleka replied.

SEASON 4 - LUKANETTEWhere stories live. Discover now