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On the rooftops. Cat Noir is on his cat phone, voice-mailing Ladybug

"No villain in sight. Watch out, LB. I get the feeling someone's trying to play cat and ladybug with us. I'm waiting for you!" He puts down his cat phone.


Meanwhile, Rose in her bubble sent a message to Juleka, but she didn't respond. They made eye contact and Rose held up her phone and pointed to it.

Juleka shook her head and pointed back down at the Liberty, telling her she left her phone on board.

Rose looked sad.

Then Juleka saw Luka's phone float by. Hmm, he mustn't be able to call for help by phone and the villain is somehow using us to blackmail him. Then she remembered something. They hadn't tried it in a while but when they were younger, they used to have twintuition, where they could think of something and the other would know what they were thinking.

Juleka remembered she left her phone in the bathroom earlier. She closed her eyes and concentrated.

Phone bathroom. Phone bathroom. Come on bro, get the message! She thought to herself.

Luka continues to wave his hands. 'Yoo-hoo! Ladybug!' He sighs. This is ridiculous. She can't come because she's trapped in a bubble. Then he suddenly got a message in his head. Phone bathroom!

He gasps quietly and looks up at Juleka's bubble and she smiled and winked. Luka smiled. Your brilliant sis! he thought to himself.

He looks behind him and uses his vision, pointing at the Sentibubbler, the fruit bowl, and the bathroom door.

'Hey, Sentibubbler? I have to go to the bathroom' Luka says.

Shadowmoth speaks through Sentibubbler: 'Not now!' he says, annoyed.

Luka stomps his feet. 'Seriously, it cannot wait. Must be the stress. Plus, it sure will look weird if Ladybug finds me like this.'

Shadowmoth sighs as he speaks through Sentibubbler: 'Just remember that if you try anything...I'll send those bubbles straight into the Seine!

'I can't try anything without a Miraculous, anyway. I just need to go to the bathroom.'

He grabs some grapes from the fruit bowl on the way.

'What's that for?' Shadowmoth says through Sentibubbler.

'What? Can't a guy get a little snack?' Luka replied.

Sentibubbler rolls his eyes. 'Weirdo...' he says quietly to himself.

Luka continues to walk to the bathroom as the Sentibubbler keeps an eye on him.

Shadowmoth through Sentibubbler: 'You got 5 minutes!'

Luka enters the bathroom and quickly finds Juleka's phone under a towel. Luckily her phone had no password and was on silent already. He had memorized the guardian emergency cell number. He texted it so as to not make a sound.

"SOS, Ladybug in trouble! Send Sass and Trixx with their miraculous to the Liberty on the Seine River. Third porthole on the right of the boat. I will the leave porthole window a little bit ajar. Hurry, only 4 minutes left! Luka"

'Look alive Sass and Trixx, you have a mission!' Longg said as they grab their miraculous. Longg sent back, "They're on their way!" as Sass and Trixx travel discreetly through the sewers to the Liberty. They sneak around the side of the boat and find the ajar porthole and sneak in with their miraculous without being seen.

'Great job guys!' Luka whispered, as he put on both Miraculous. 'Not a moment to lose! Trixx, let's pounce!' Luka transformed quietly into Red Fox as he got Sass to flush the toilet to hide the noise of the flute as he made a mirage of Luka.

Red Fox and Sass quietly hide behind the door as Sentibubbler knocks. 'Are you decent now? Times up!'

'Yeah sure! You can open the door!' Red Fox replies through the Luka illusion.

Sentibubbler opened the door and said, 'Right you, enough stalling and out in the open where I can see you!'

'Okay, okay' the Luka illusion replied as he walked out the door and went out in the open, leading Sentibubbler far enough away so Red Fox could now make phone calls.

He called Mari. 'Mari, I'm on Juleka's phone, she left it in the bathroom luckily. I texted the guardian emergency cell to send Sass and Trixx for reinforcements' Luka said.

'That's great! What's going on? Do you have a plan?' Mari asked.

'Yeah. Shadowmoth is trying to blackmail me to betray Ladybug, but I have an idea! While Sentibubbler babysits my Luka illusion, I need to call Cat Noir. Stay on the line and listen in!'

'Will do!' Mari replied.

'Trixx, Sass, unify!' Luka said and transformed into Red Viper.

He called Cat Noir on his superhero phone.

On the rooftops Cat Noir answers his cat phone: "Who's this? I don't have your number in my phone. Are you with Ladybug?"

"Yes, it's Red Viper. Ladybug asked me to call you and say we got a plan."

"Perfect! What should I do?" Cat Noir replied.

"That's the thing. It's actually a two-person plan" Red Viper replied.

"What do you mean a "two-person plan"? You mean she and you? What about me?" Cat Noir replied, feeling left out.

"Well, that's just it. In this plan, you have to stay right where you are. A-and wait for instructions" Red Viper replied.

"Hm. I need to hear it from her. Put her on the phone, please" Cat Noir requested.

"Of course." Red Viper replied as he held up Juleka's phone with Marinette on the line up to his superhero phone.

Marinette spoke to Cat Noir: "Kitty, we don't have time for this nonsense, you have to trust me! And, uh, if you happen to see the Bubbler, whatever you do, don't cataclysm him! It's actually a sentimonster!"

"What?" Cat Noir replied.

"We've gotta go, we will keep you posted." Red Viper says as he hangs up.

'Mirage!' Red Viper says as he makes an illusion of Ladybug on the rooftops.

Cat Noir was enraged. 'A two-person plan?! There's only one two-person plan, and that's Ladybug and me!' He smashes the wall behind him with his stick. 'The Miraculous Ladybugs will fix everything as usual. Hm?' He sees "Ladybug" jumping over the rooftops alone. 'Where's Red Viper?' he wonders as he becomes suspicious and frustrated. '"Stay where I am," I can't just sit here and do nothing!' he says as he goes to follow who he thinks is the real Ladybug.





















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