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It's been a few weeks since Juleka was akumatised. Luka hasn't seen Marinette because she's been working on his scrapbook present for his birthday, but she wants to keep it a surprise. If he tries to organise to meet up, she tells him she's been busy designing, and helping out at the bakery, but he's starting to miss her. And truth be told, she's missing him like crazy too.

One Saturday afternoon, at a Kitty Section rehearsal, Rose finishes up singing their signature song as the band plays:

♫ I see their faces everywhere I go

Dreaming about them in the night!

You know I love unicorns

And nothing makes me feel better! ♫

Kitty Section finish off their song, the band members throw their masks in the air as Zoe, Mylene, Alix, Alya and Nino cheer for them. Rose and Juleka hug each other. Luka looks around sadly.

'Marinette hasn't come to rehearsals for a while. Is she okay?' Luka asks his friends.

Alya replied nervously. 'Oh, yeah! Yeah! She's fine. It's just that she... she... she's uh...'

'Is she hiding something from me?' Luka asks.

Rose gasps. 'Of course not, Luka! Marinette stopped coming because the rehearsals are the exact same time as her Aqua Pony classes with Pom-pony, her favourite pony! Pom-pony is so cute, with his golden mane that's so brush-able, but he's also super sensitive and every time Marinette misses Aqua Pony, Pom-pony gets depressed!' She finishes as she pouts.

Everyone including Luka just looks at her dumbfounded.

'Ok, Rose. Thanks. I think I might pop over to the bakery and check on her...' Luka says, a little confused, as he walks away to get his bike ready.

Alya slow claps sarcastically. 'Wow, Rose. If Luka wasn't suspicious before, he certainly is now!'

Rose looked sad. 'I'm sorry, I panicked?' Juleka smiled and hugged her. Rose smiles.


As soon as Luka left, the girls Skype called Marinette from Alya's phone.

'Before she picks up, should we give her the heads up that Luka's coming?' Alya asked.

'Nah, let him surprise her!' Zoe said.

'Yeah! That would be so romantic!' Rose replied.

Marinette is working on finishing her gift for Luka with lots of help from the Kwamis. She gets a video call from Alya, Rose, Juleka, Alix, Mylene and Zoe.

'Hey girls! What's up?'

'Oh good, you're at home!' Mylene said, seeing the background of her bedroom behind her.

'Yeah...why?' Marinette questions.

'No reason!' Alya replies. 'Where were you girl? I thought you were coming to Kitty Section rehearsals today!'

'I still have heaps of time, it's only....3pm?!' Marinette realises.

'Uh, yeah, they started two hours ago Marinette!' Alix said as the girls laughed.

'Sorry girls, I just lost track of time and I got on a roll making Lukas present!'

'Ooh, can we see?' Zoe asked.

Mari shook her head. 'No way, I want his birthday gift to be a full surprise! I don't even want Luka to know there is a surprise!'

'By the way Marinette, you have to enrol in aqua pony classes!' Rose says.

SEASON 4 - LUKANETTEWhere stories live. Discover now