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Luka arrives in Marinette's room.

'What happened?' Luka asked.

Marinette sadly held up the cat ring. 'Cat Noir renounced his miraculous' she said sadly.

'Oh no...' Luka sighed. Plagg looked fed up with the situation.

'I don't know what's gotten into him! I didn't do anything!' Marinette replied.

'Didn't do anything? Well yeah, you did! You've been neglecting a very classy piece of camembert on your plate for too long! And as a result, it got runny, and mouldy!' Plagg responded angrily.

'What? Cat Noir never gave me any camembert!' Marinette replied.

Plagg groans. 'Of course not, Cat Noir IS the camembert! For a while now, you've been neglecting this camembert— I mean Cat Noir, and going on adventures with all the other cheeses!'

'But he should be happy about it, it gives him more time off!' Marinette replied.

'Cat Noir doesn't wanna have time off, Ladybug! He wants to feel like he's part of the team! And your persistent calling on other heroes has broken his spirit!' Plagg replied.

'I'm really sorry if Cat Noir is hurt, but I'm doing my best as a guardian' Marinette replied.

Plagg sighs. 'I know. Just... give me the Miraculous. I'll give it back to him, cheer him up, we'll chow down on some grilled mimolette sandwiches and everything will go back to normal!'

'Why don't I go with you Plagg, as Viperion, and talk to him? After all, I know who he is. Maybe he'll listen to me' Luka says.

'That's a great idea!' Plagg replies.

'Okay, hopefully you can convince him to take back the cat miraculous. Otherwise, I'll have to find another Cat Noir' Mari sighs.


Meanwhile, in Adrien's room, he sadly throws all photos of Ladybug from his trophy and Plagg's cheeses into the trash, then does the same to his sock puppet of Plagg.


Back in Marinette's room, Plagg says, 'Wait, another Cat Noir? What do you mean another Cat Noir?'

'I'll have to choose a new Cat Noir myself. And since I'll know who he is, I can call on him whenever I need him!' Marinette says.

Plagg gasps. 'Woah woah woah! You mean you'll know who he is? You'll know his secret identity!?'

Marinette gasps. 'You're right! I can't do that! If I know who Cat Noir is and Shadowmoth akumatizes me, he'll know where to find Cat Noir and he'll capture both our Miraculous! He'll merge them together and make his wish come true, and then the whole world will turn into whatever he wants!'

She envisions Shadowmoth with the two Miraculouses surrounding the globe laughing and saying "Finally!".

'See? You can't do that, so come on, give me back the Miraculous. Luka and I will convince him to be Cat Noir again, and everything will be fine!' Plagg replies.

'You really think you can convince him?' Mari asks him.

'I sure hope so' Plagg replies, looking to Luka.

'We can only try' Luka smiles. 'It's too late now though. We'll go in the morning.'

'Good idea, give him tonight to think it over' Mari smiles.

'Yeah, who knows? He might change his mind by the morning!' Plagg replies.


In Adrien's room, he is in bed, deleting photos of Ladybug from his phone. He leaves one, puts the phone away and turns away.

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