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Ladybug meanwhile stops square dancing and starts hip-hop dancing too.

'Ooh, it's time to play guess that dance!' Cat Noir grins. 'Looks like... hip-hop?'

'Chat! Stop making fun of me and help me!' Ladybug replies annoyed.

'Okay, sorry LB! What can I do?' Cat Noir replies.

'We need to find out where her akuma is. She's such a talented dancer herself it's going to be near impossible if it's on her somewhere!'

'Just don't get hit yourself with her wrist speakers, otherwise you dance whatever style she seems to think apparently' Luka adds.

'Without any music?' Cat Noir replies.

'Seems only those hit hear the music. There has to be a reason why that is...' Luka says as he furrows his brow in confusion.

'Just be ready with your cataclysm kitty cat once we know exactly where the akuma is!' Ladybug says, still hip-hop dancing.

'Will do LB!' Cat Noir replies.

Everyone she has hit with her wrist speaker rays in the classrooms had also begun hip-hop dancing, including the teachers.

Dancing Queen laughs watching Chloe dance uncontrollably. 'See how fun dancing can be Chloe?'

'No! Please make it stop!' Chloe replies.

'Maybe a different style! Tango!' Dancing Queen smirks.

Chloe grabs Dancing Queen and starts tango dancing with her.

'You dance divinely Miss Bourgeois!' Dancing Queen smirks raising her eyebrows up and down at her.

'Don't flatter me! But this style isn't so bad...' Chloe replies.

'Oh really?' Dancing Queen says.

Maybe dancing isn't so bad after all... Chloe thinks to herself.

Ladybug meanwhile suddenly grabs Luka and starts tango dancing.

'Woah!' they both exclaim, both hoping Chat didn't notice both of their cheeks turning pink.

'Sorry about this Luka!' Ladybug says.

'No problem!' Luka replies as he smiles slightly.

'Ahem, may I cut in?' Cat Noir says, feeling left out.

Luka lets go of Ladybug and Cat Noir begins tango dancing with her. He smirks and wiggles his eyebrows up and down at her.

'Chat! Stop! I have a boyfriend remember?' Ladybug exclaims.

'I know, but I might never get the chance to dance with you again LB!' Chat replies.

Ladybug groans. 'If you want to help defeat the villain, you and Luka find out what is making us dance and make it stop!' Ladybug says as she stops tango dancing and starts doing a contemporary dance style.

Luka texts Juleka to find out if she's okay.

She texts him back: "Some of us are hiding in the nurses office. Here's the directions."

'I'm going to check on my sister and make sure she's okay!' Luka says to Cat Noir.

'No problem! I'll find Dancing Queen and spy on her to see if I can find out where her akuma might be!'

'Great, see you later!' Luka smiles as he heads to the nurses office.

He texts Juleka when he's outside the door and she unlocks it and he comes in.

'Are you girls okay?' he asks them.

Rose was playing doctor and looking in Alex's ear with an ear inspection tool.

SEASON 4 - LUKANETTEWhere stories live. Discover now