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I used the arms of the drone to grab four pieces of cut up birthday cake and flew it over to Fang and dropped one in front of him. He ate it up.

'That's it Fang, come on, there's more where that came from!' I said to myself as I slowly maneuvered the drone ever closer to Lies.

I dropped the second piece of cake and Fang gobbled this one up too.

'It's working!' I said to Chat. 'But if Lies sees him coming, we're toast!'

Fang gobbled the third piece of cake I dropped from the drone.

'If that's the case, there are only two liars left in all of Paris and one of them knows the ultimate way to catch her attention!'

'No! Chat, what are you thinking? What if the plan fails?' I cried out in exasperation.

'This will make sure it won't! I trust you LB!'

Crazy stupid cat! I thought to myself, trying to concentrate as I saw him paralysed on the camera as Lies was reaching for his miraculous as I dropped the last piece of cake right next to her bracelet and Fang chomped the cake and the bracelet broke in half as Lies screamed in shock that a crocodile almost took her hand off.

I breathed a sigh of relief. That was too close! I thought to myself, but the sphere had disappeared and I had a job to do.

I quickly caught the akuma and threw my lucky charm into the air to unfreeze everyone as I saw Fang lick Cat Noirs face which was paralysed with fear, and I giggled. I did a quick pound it with Chat because I was so close to detransforming, it was not funny.

He hadn't used his power so he said he would deal with Kagami, and make sure she was okay after her ordeal.

I went back to my room through the window just before I detransformed without even having to say the detransformation words.

'That was almost too close!' I said to Tikki. 'This Shadowmoth, as well as giving himself a new name, seems to be getting smarter!'

'But your lucky charm always keeps you one step ahead of him Marinette!' Tikki smiled and winked at me while she ate a macaron from my purse as I snuggled into bed again.

'You're right Tikki...Goodnight...' I said sleepily as finally sleep was taking over my body. I barely even heard her say goodnight in reply.

I slept so soundly after that and didn't wake up once during the night.


The next day, I transformed into Ladybug as I remembered my patrol with Cat Noir.

'Oh, I forgot to tell you Kitty, Hawkmoth has changed his name to Shadowmoth' I said as we looked out over the city atop the Eiffel Tower.

'Oh yeah, I remember Luka called him Shadowmoth when he broke free of the akuma!' Chat replied. 'He can change his name as often as he likes, he'll still never win!' Cat Noir winked at me.

'You crazy cat, you almost let Shadowmoth find out your identity last night you know!' I said with a raised eyebrow.

'But he didn't, did he? I told you, I trust you m'la- I mean LB!' he replied.

Then he sighed.

'What's wrong Kitty?' I asked.

'You know the difference between us and the rest of the world LB? We can't be completely honest with each other. We keep secrets and... sometimes, we HAVE to lie.'

He looked down sadly. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me.

'But we always trust each other!' I said with a smile as he smiled back as we looked out over Paris again, two friends, side by side.


After I finished patrol, I got back to my room and detransformed. I saw I had a missed call from Alya, so I called her back.

Me: "Hey Alya! Sorry I missed your call!"

Alya: "All good girl. Hey, did you hear the news?"

Me: "What news?"

Alya: "Apparently Adrien and Kagami broke up last night."

Me: "Really? At Prince Ali's birthday party? How do you know?"

Alya: "Adrien told Nino who told me. Apparently, Adrien is pretty bummed about it."

Me: "That's a shame. I always thought they made a great couple."

Alya: "Same here girl. Say, we should have a girls day out, you, me and the girls sometime!"

Me: "Yeah! For sure! I can try to make some time, I need to fit homework, assignments, and I also promised Jagged I'd work on his new album cover."

Alya: "You need to take a break and make some time for YOU girl or you'll go crazy!"

If only it were that easy, I thought to myself.

Me: "A girls day out sounds great Alya! But right now, I should give Kagami a call and check on her. After all, she is my friend. I want to make sure she's okay. Let me know when you come up with a date and a time for this girl's day out."

"Will do girl!"

"Bye Alya!"

"Bye girl!"

I called Kagami right away.

Kagami: "Hello Marinette"

Me: "Hey Kagami. I heard you and Adrien broke up. Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?"

Kagami: "Thanks for checking on me Marinette. I'm disappointed. I know there's sincerity in Adrien but I just can't trust someone who lies to me."

Me: "Are you still going to stay friends?"

Kagami: "Time will tell Marinette. When I'm ready, I will be in touch with him. For now, I think it best we just remain acquaintances. I guess we'll still see each other at fencing class, but I won't be pursuing a relationship for a while."

Me: "Okay. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know."

Kagami: "Thank you for the offer, Marinette. But I'll be fine. I must go. My mother wants me to study now. Goodbye."

I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye before she hung up.

'Poor Kagami' I said to Tikki. 'I'm sure she's more upset than she's letting on.'

'I'm not so sure Marinette. I've always thought Kagami was more of a what you see is what you get kind of girl. She tells it like it is!' Tikki replied.

'I'm sure she's all broken up inside. Hmmm...'

And I began thinking about what I can do to help her.



















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