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After I detransformed in secret I went outside where Kagami was about to get in her automated car.

She looked at me and smiled.

'Look Marinette, I appreciate what you tried to do for me today. As embarrassing as it was, it was actually kind of fun. And way better than practicing my fencing for mother any day. And I am so lucky to have a friend that cares so much about my happiness. But if you truly want me to be happy, let me work out my feelings on my own from now on, okay?'

'Of course my friend!' I smiled as Kagami got in the car and it drove away.

It had started to pour with rain and luckily I had an umbrella in my pool bag.

Then Adrien came out the door, most likely waiting for his bodyguard.

'Wow, you've kept it all this time?' Adrien said.

'Huh?' I replied.

'The umbrella' he smiled.

I'd forgotten all about how when we first met he gave me his black umbrella outside school. When I began to have a crush on him. And now I am madly in love with Luka, I kind of didn't want this reminder for all eternity.

'Oh, in that case, you should have this back' I said, holding it out to him, but he pushed my hand back.

'You're going to need it to get through all this' he replied.

'That's true' I said sadly.

'I've been meaning to ask you, why were you and Kagami really here?'

'Oh,' I began, turning red with embarrassment. 'I heard that you were bummed about you and Kagami breaking up so I thought if you just saw each other again it might rekindle that spark you two once had...'

'Oh Marinette, I appreciate the help, but I don't know if a relationship is going to work at the moment. But you're such a good friend for trying to cheer me up.' He smiled at me.

Then his car arrived.

'We could drop you home if you like!' Adrien smiled.

Before I could answer I heard a familiar voice calling my name.


I turned around.

'Luka!' I said happily.

He came carrying an umbrella big enough for us both to share. It was red with black polka dots. I smiled from ear to ear, holding Adrien's umbrella out to him as he took it, never even taking my eyes of my handsome blue-eyed boyfriend.

'I'll walk her home' Luka stated bringing me under the umbrella with his arm around me, holding me close.

'See you round Adrien!' I said.

'Bye guys!' he replied as he got in his car and it drove away.

'Maybe we could dance in the rain now, to celebrate!' I said, thinking about our victory today.

Luka giggled. 'No, you'll get all wet and catch a cold!' he replied. 'Besides, it's more of a metaphor. It simply means that you don't allow anything to deter you from reaching your full potential.'

'I like that!' I replied, resting my head on his shoulder as we walked.

'This is your umbrella now' Luka said softly. 'I had bought it as a thank you for the necklace you gave me, but I kept forgetting to give it to you'

'But you already made me the new miracle box holder, that was the best, most practical gift ever!' I replied. 'But thank you for the umbrella too. That way I could give Adrien's back. He'd given it to me on his first day of school, when I started to have a crush on him. But now I don't have those feelings for him anymore, I didn't want that reminder for all eternity. Now I can look at this one and remember you, my knight in shining armour' I smiled. 'You were great today! And so clever to work out those notes!'

'Thank you my melody!' Luka replied.

Tikki popped her head out of my purse.

'Yes indeed! You both make a great team! Maybe celebrate after the rain stops though!'

We giggled as we walked back to the bakery so Luka could wait out the rain before he went back to the Liberty.




















SEASON 4 - LUKANETTEWhere stories live. Discover now