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'How did it go?' Marinette asked him when Viperion got back. Then she still saw Plagg with him.

'Oh no... He didn't want it back?' Marinette exclaimed.

'No...' Viperion said sadly.

'What am I going to do now?' Mari groaned. 'I mean, I may not need him every battle, but I still need a Cat Noir from time to time. He's still an integral part of the team!'

Viperion sighed. 'Well, he suggested that I be the new holder of the cat miraculous' Viperion replied.

Mari gasps. 'But I'll know who you are! What if Shadowmoth akumatises me and finds out who you are and gets a hold of your miraculous?!'

Her mind panics, thinking about Shadowmoth with the two Miraculouses surrounding the globe laughing and saying "Finally!".

'Hey, hey, shhhh...' Viperion says, grabbing her and holding her close. 'It's going to be okay. He suggested if I unify both the snake and cat miraculous, I can use my power of second chance in case you get akumatised. And thanks to my magical charm, I won't be.'

'You're right Viperion...' Mari whispered, feeling so safe in his loving arms as he held her in a protective but gentle embrace, as he kissed her hair. Mari sighed, never wanting him to stop holding her.

'Okay, okay, break it up you two!' Plagg exclaimed. 'You'd better get some practice as Cat Noir if you wanna be ready for a real akuma attack!'

'He's right, I should get some practice' Viperion smiled.

'You're right Plagg. Okay, let's transform and head out!' Mari smiled.

'Tikki, spots on!' Mari said, transforming into Ladybug.

Viperion took a deep breath and puts on the cat ring. 'Okay, here goes nothing. Sass, Plagg, unify!' Viperion said. Plagg flew into the cat ring which turned black.

Viperion's green suit became black with a tail belt and emerald green highlights in certain places on his snakeskin Viperion suit. His hair had gotten more emerald green highlights and he still had his lyre on his back as well as a boomerang instead of having a staff, like Cat Noir had.

'Woah!' Ladybug said. 'You look amazing Viperion, I mean uhh...'

'Call me Black Viper' he smiled lovingly at her.

'Black Viper. I love it' Ladybug whispered back, smiling lovingly back at him.

Then she shook her head. 'Anyway, we should practice!'

'Yeah, lets go!' Black Viper replied, as they go up to the balcony and leap over the rooftops.

'Okay, first things first' Ladybug says. 'Let's see how well you think on your feet. Say, a supervillain shows up and you know nothing about them. What would be your first reaction? A, you rush towards them and cataclysm them, B, you-'

Black Viper smiles. 'No, first I get to a safe place to observe them. And that's what you should do too, Ladybug.'

Ladybug smiles. He's amazing! she thinks to herself.

Then she gets a text message from Alya on her bug phone:

"Hey Ladybug! Just thought I'd let you know there's a huge black cat stirring up trouble at Montparnasse Tower. Don't worry about the LadyCam, already getting some great shots myself. Thought you and Cat Noir might want to check it out!"

"Thanks for the tip Alya!" she texts back.

Ladybug sighs. 'I guess there's no more time for chit-chat. Let's get to work right now!'

SEASON 4 - LUKANETTEWhere stories live. Discover now