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Over the next couple of days, we tried to organize dates but they were always cancelled or cut short by akuma attacks. But Luka was the most loving, caring and patient boyfriend in the whole wide world. He seriously had the patience of a saint! I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

I had an akuma attack to handle and I was running late for a Kitty Section rehearsal. But Luka had said he wanted me there for the last song. I texted Luka: "Code A: I'm five minutes away my prince! Please wait for me!"

He replied: "No problem my melody. See you soon! 😘"

When I finally got there, he surprised me by dedicating the last song they played which was a new one he wrote just for me! He called it 'Girl Next Door'. It was incredible!

I mouthed 'thank you!' to him as he winked at me.

After the song I noticed Adrien and Kagami left early. Of course, they are probably going to get ready for Prince Ali's birthday, I forgot that is tonight I thought to myself. I was happy that my friends Adrien and Kagami could find happiness with each other.

I thanked Luka for the song he wrote for me and he said, 'You're welcome my melody. Are you free now to come somewhere with me?'

'Sure!' I replied. I just texted my mom that I was going to hang out with Luka for a bit and she replied: Ok sweetie. Stay safe and have fun!

He took me for a walk to a bridge where the setting sun reflects off the water. It was beautiful.

'This is beautiful Luka! I love it!' I sighed happily.

He smiled. 'This is my favourite place to come to whenever I find things get too overwhelming.'

He took hold of my hands in his. 'My melody, I want this to be your place to come to, whenever you feel like you need to escape. If you listen closely, the sound of the water here sounds like a melody.'

I closed my eyes and sighed happily. 'You're right Luka, it is beautiful' I said softly as I opened my eyes and stared into his amazing turquoise blue eyes.

'You're more beautiful' he whispered as I blushed and he leaned in and kissed my lips gently.

'Dance with me?' he whispered and I nodded as he held me close as we swayed to the melody of the water.

I sighed happily in his arms. 'I can't believe that you would share your special place with me my love' I said softly.

'Of course, what's mine is yours my angel' he whispered in reply. I could happily stay in Luka's arms forever.

'I can't believe that anyone as laid back as you being overwhelmed by anything' I said as we stopped dancing after a while.

'Well, in all honesty' he began, 'I always from a young age wanted to know who my father is. But my mom would never tell me. She always said that I wasn't old enough to know. I only asked her again just the other day and she still said that I wasn't old enough. I mean, I'm almost 17, how old is old enough? I just feel like a part of me is missing. I deserve to know. It's just not fair.'

I felt like there was an arrow through my heart. My heart just broke for Luka. I have always had both my parents there my whole life, loving me, supporting me. I couldn't imagine growing up without either of them in my life.

'Oh...Luka' I began to say but then I gasped as I saw an akuma AND an amuck land on Luka's necklace.

'Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!' I cried out.

'What have I done? It's all my fault! It's all my fault!' I started screaming. 'Luka! Resist it! Come back to me! I'm right here, come back to me!'

But it was no use. 'Run Marinette!' Luka managed to get out as I looked on in horror as purple darkness engulfed my sweet prince. I was terrified. I started running away in tears, so upset and angry with myself but I knew I had to find a place to transform.

I ran into an alleyway, still so upset with myself. Tikki flew out of my purse and comforted me.

'Don't cry Marinette! It's not your fault! But we have to save Luka together! You can do it Marinette!'

'You're right! Tikki, spots on!' I cried as I transformed into Ladybug. I figured he'd be going to find his mom, so I tried to swing over to the Liberty as fast as I could.


















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