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In the canteen at lunch, the mark on her neck glows again and Marinette decides to get some of her friends to help her.

'Guys, we have three hours left to stop Adrien from getting on that train! Here's the plan. The potato is Adrien; Alya, you'll be the juice box, Rose the little strawberry, Nino the fork—'

Nino interrupts her. 'Woah, woah, woah, hold on! You wanna stop Adrien from travelling around the world? Adrien who's never allowed outside his house? Adrien who's never seen anything his whole life?'

'Is this because Lila's going with him?' Alya says. 'I know you're not a fan of her, but you shouldn't be jealous because you're not in love with him anymore, right?'

'I'm not, I have Luka, but that's not the reason!' Mari replies.

'Well, if he's your friend, you gotta let him go and live his dream!' Rose says.

Marinette groans. 'But it's not his dream! Adrien hates the film shoots, the photos, he can't stand it anymore! I'm not trying to save him from Lila, but from his father! He doesn't know how to tell him that he doesn't want to be a model anymore!'

'Everybody wants to be a model!' Kim says.

'If he didn't want to model anymore, he would've told me. He's my best bud!' Nino smiles.

'But he told me himself!' Marinette replies.

Alya puts her hand on her shoulder. 'Marinette. You can't decide what Adrien does with his life, Lila or no Lila.'

'I don't care about whether or not he goes with Lila. If anything, he should be taking Kagami-' she covers her mouth.

'Kagami? Why Kagami?' Alya replied.

'It's probably not my place to say, but he told me that he and Kagami are back together' Marinette says.

'Woah... He really barely tells me anything...' Nino says sadly.

'Don't take it that way Nino! He probably didn't want to worry you if he really didn't want to go and he's probably still getting his head around the arranged marriage- Mmm!' she covers her mouth in frustration again for saying too much.

'His father organised an arranged marriage of Adrien to Kagami?' Alya asked, shocked.

Mari sighs. 'I'm such a horrible friend, I feel like I've said too much.'

'It's okay girl, we won't say anything about this' Alya says. 'But as your BFF, I refuse to follow along with this plan, for your own good as well as his. You cannot risk messing with someone else's life.'

Marinette is about to give in, but the risk takes over her. 'Well, his dad is already messing with it enough, why can't I?! Fine! I'll save him without you!' She storms off, leaving the others shocked.

Outside, Risk cycles past still singing. 'I'm Froggy, here I come, I'm not afraid of anyone.'


In Adrien's room. Adrien goes to pack his things sadly, but to his surprise, he sees Felix sitting on top of his luggage, dressed in Adrien's clothes.

Adrien gasps in shock and surprise. 'Felix?'

'Hi there, my favourite cousin' Felix smirks.

'How did you get in?' Adrien asks him.

Felix messes up his hair and replies mockingly, 'Oh, Nathalie! There was a problem with the car so I walked home but I forgot my keys!'

'That's not how I talk!' Adrien replies angrily.

Felix scoffs. 'You're right, you sound even more pathetic.'

Felix throws a basketball at him, but Adrien dodges it.

Adrien replies coldly, 'Why are you here this time? To mock me or ruin my reputation with my friends?'

Felix smiles. 'Neither. I'm here to save you.'

'I'm doing just fine, thank you' Adrien bluntly replies.

Felix replies sarcastically, 'Oh yeah, I can see how happy you look!' He reveals his phone which shows Nadja's broadcast that morning, and zooms into Adrien, who looks sad. 'You don't expect me to believe that leaving Paris and your super cool, super nice friends behind is really what you want, do you?'

 'You don't expect me to believe that leaving Paris and your super cool, super nice friends behind is really what you want, do you?'

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Adrien furiously throws his clothes. 'I don't know what I want.'

'I know, and that's why the second I saw your face on TV this morning, I left London to get you out of this mess. Freedom is something you make Adrien. For starters, you gotta stop doing everything your father tells you to.'

Adrien sighs. 'I've tried, but I just can't disobey him.'

Felix grins rebelliously. 'You can't, but I can. Remember how we pretended to be each other when we were little? We're gonna do the same thing. Because unlike you, I can say no to your father.'

'I know my father. He'll never give in' Adrien replies.

'Or maybe your fear keeps you from seeing a hidden side of him. If I succeed, you get to go back to your school and your super nice friends tomorrow. So? Do you want to take that risk and try it?'

Adrien smiles. 'You're right! But what am I gonna do in the meantime?'

'For once, whatever you want. You only have one life, Adrien!' Felix grins.

Adrien considers this. He never did even have time to think about who was going to be Cat Noir while he was gone. He had considered giving the cat ring to Luka, but knew he would probably be hesitant to take it. But lately Ladybug has hardly needed his cataclysm much, so Luka might only have to use it sparingly. But now, even if Felix was unsuccessful in cancelling the trip and just takes his place, he'd be free to patrol Paris as Cat Noir more full time and still get to see his friends in a sense. Even if they didn't know Cat Noir was Adrien, he could still see them. And his sweet Kagami... He could see her every night, now she knows his identity. He smiles.

'Ok, deal!' Adrien says, shaking his cousins' hand as Felix grins.






























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