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After saving Luka and Juleka's parents, dancing was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted a rest first. I gave Juleka her present first. She loved it and gave me a hug.

Then I got a text message from Luka:

'Meet me in my cabin 💙'

I smiled, and picked up his present from the gift table and brought it with me. I walked downstairs to Luka's cabin and knocked on the door.

'Come in if you're beautiful!' I heard his voice say as I giggled and opened the door, blushing.

Luka smiled at me. 'You're almost too beautiful' he whispered, coming over and kissing me on the forehead.

I went even redder. 'You're so sweet, my prince...' I replied softly.

'I love what you're wearing by the way' he whispered back, holding me in his arms. 'Did you design it?'

'Of course! You're looking at the first of the line of Marinette Dupein-Chang's Thrift Store Recycled Range!' I replied.

'Of course! You're looking at the first of the line of Marinette Dupein-Chang's Thrift Store Recycled Range!' I replied

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'You're so clever...' Luka replied, running his fingers through my hair as I sighed happily at his loving touch.

'Oh, I almost forgot because I didn't get a chance to give this to you earlier with everything that was going on' I said, handing him the wrapped gift. 'This is the reason why I haven't been able to see you as much the past few weeks. Happy Birthday Luka!' I smiled.

He smiled. 'Thank you, my melody,' he said as we sat down on the bed and he unwrapped it. He gasped as he saw the front cover with the love hearts and the musical notes with a picture of the both of us together on the front.

'Go ahead, open it up!' I said excitedly, as he turned all the pages slowly, looking at all the memories of us together.

'Go ahead, open it up!' I said excitedly, as he turned all the pages slowly, looking at all the memories of us together

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'Mari...' he whispered. 'It's beautiful...I'll treasure it forever! I can't believe you made this memory book for me...'

Then he got to the end. 'Why are there still blank pages though?' he asked me.

SEASON 4 - LUKANETTEWhere stories live. Discover now