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I detransform in secret and head back to the Liberty. I run up to Luka who picks me up in his arms, twirls me around and kisses my forehead.

'So glad you're safe' he whispered.

'Thanks, my love' I reply.

'And is Zoe okay?' he asks.

'I think she will be. I hope she ends up coming tonight' I said positively.

'I'm sure she will' Luka smiled. 'How could anyone not want to be friends with an amazing girl like you?'

'Luka, stop! You're making me blush!' I giggled.

He chuckled as we went over to join the others.


I slowly walked over to the Liberty. I decided not to go through with my plan to make Chloe happy. I may be her half-sister, but I'm not like her. I just hoped everyone would be able to forgive me for all the damage I caused. I arrive at the top of the stairs. I feel nervous, holding the box of macarons Marinette gave me. I walk onto The Liberty and meet Marinette.

Marinette smiled at me. 'Welcome aboard, Zoe!' I smile back.

Luka walks up to me, standing next to Marinette.

He smiled. 'Glad you could come Zoe. Let me introduce you to everyone. Guys, this is Zoe. She just arrived here from New York.

They all said hello to me and introduced themselves.

I took a deep breath. 'I'm... really sorry about today. I thought that if I did everything Chloe wanted me to, she'd accept me. I just wanted to meet my family's expectations. Which is why I left New York in the first place. At the boarding school, I was playing a part; being someone else, hoping they'd accept me. But finally, I just couldn't anymore. That's when everyone turned against me, and one day, I found roaches in my locker. They all said I was a loser. Maybe they were right. I get that I'm different, and... I'd understand if you guys didn't want me as a friend.

Ivan smiles and hugs me, with everyone around me.

Mylène smiles. 'We're all one big, happy family.'

'You'll be fine with us!' Rose says cheerfully.

Ivan releases me from the hug.

Marinette smiles. 'You'll never have to leave again, Zoe. Welcome to Paris.'

I open the box of macarons to share with everyone.

I had a really great time meeting everyone and listening to great music and chatting and laughing together. I was having such a good time, I almost didn't want to go home and I was almost the last to leave.

'Time to go home and face the music' I said with a sigh.

'If Chloe gives you any trouble, let us know, we'll sort her out!' Marinette smiled.

I chuckled. 'Thanks Marinette. See you at school!' I said as I went back to Le Grand Paris.

When I get back to Le Grand Paris, I walk into Chloé's room carrying her heels and see Chloe and mother angry, and a reassuring Mayor André.

Chloe turns to André. 'Daddy! Order her to return my shoes at once! André nervously raises his arms, but I lift the shoes and Chloe snatches them from my hand. 'And I demand she be sent back to New York immediately! Exactly the way she came!'

I gulped nervously.

André replied, 'Of course, of course! However, uh...'

'Is there a problem, André?' mother asked.

'Well, what I mean is: with all the paperwork needed to enrol her in another boarding school, we won't be rid of her for months. Maybe we could just, er... put her somewhere else...?' André suggested.

Chloe and mother had their arms crossed. 'In the cellar.'

'Excellent idea, in the cellar. Or at least a room in another wing of the hotel...?' André smiled.

'Well! A smaller room than mine!' Chloe protested.

'Of course! Miniscule. Barely even the size of a junior suite!' André replied.

'And see to it that we never cross paths again!' Chloe adds as André starts pushing me out the door.

'She'll take the service elevator with the staff' he calls out. He closes the door and turns to me.

'Thank you' I smiled. 'Promise me that you won't leave your dreams too long down in that cellar.'

André smiled back. 'I promise. Come on.' He said as we walk to the elevator. 'You're going to love your new room.'


Over the next couple of months things got a lot better for me. Alya, Nino and Ivan showed me around school and helped me find my way around.

Everyone wrote their names and/or a message on my sneakers. It was so great being able to read everyone's names and messages all the time.

One day at the Liberty, Juleka and Rose took me to Juleka's cabin she shares with Luka and they put a pink streak in my hair. I absolutely loved it! I hugged Juleka and Rose thanking them profusely.

One night, I was lying in bed sending Marinette a message: "Thank you for everything. You were right, I can be myself here. Because you and the others will always be there for me. For the first time in my life, I actually feel at home!"

Marinette texted back: "You're most welcome Zoe. So happy to have you as a friend! 😊"























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