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It's the last two weeks of school before the holiday break. Nino goes up to Adrien when he arrives in his bodyguard's car.

'Adrien! My man! Uh, you know the film I'm directing in the school holidays?'

'Oh yeah, Nino! I read the script you wrote with Marc, sounds like fun!' Adrien replied.

'Well, I actually wanted you to maybe play the role of the hero? If you wouldn't mind!' Nino laughed nervously.

'Well, to be honest Nino, I've played good guys before. I actually wouldn't mind seeing what it's like to play the villain of the piece! I noticed a witch in the script, any chance they need an assistant?' Adrien smiled.

'Well, we were going to get Juleka to play the witch, but Rose tells me she gets terrible stage fright speaking in front of a camera or audience. She's just going to help out behind the scenes instead, and help Rose do hair and makeup. So, I guess we could change it to a warlock, a male witch!'

'Sounds great Nino! Count me in! I'll read the script tonight to start learning my lines!' Adrien says.

'But I still need someone to play Prince Tyrone!' Nino cries.

'Hmm. Why not ask Luka? I know he doesn't go to our school, but you're filming it in the school holidays, right? So, he should be free to star in your movie!' Adrien suggests.

'That's a great idea! I'll ask Marinette to ask him, she knows him best, she is his girlfriend!' Nino chuckles.

Nino asks Marinette to ask Luka if he'd play the role of the hero, since Adrien turned it down in favour of being the villain.

'Sure! I'd be happy to ask Luka!' Marinette replied.

'Thanks Marinette! I knew I could count on you!' Nino smiled.


Later that day Luka picked Marinette up from school on his bike and he cycled her to the bakery.

'Come up to my room for a sec, there's something I need to ask you' Mari smiled.

'Sure, my melody' Luka replied.

They greeted her parents and went upstairs. The Kwamis all came out of hiding too.

'Nino asked me to ask if you would play the male lead, Prince Tyrone, in the movie he wrote. We're filming it in the school holidays. I know it's a lot to ask, with only two weeks to prepare for it, but...'

'It sounds like fun my melody' Luka smiled. 'We have plays at my school all the time since it's a performing arts school. Sometimes if I really like the sound of the play and the characters, I sometimes audition. I usually play more minor roles though. But a movie isn't that much different to a play. Just performing in front of a camera instead of an audience. And I could maybe use it for extra credit for my schooling. So, count me in!' Luka smiles.

'Great! Nino gave me a copy of the script so you can learn your lines' Marinette said as she handed the script to him. 'Oh, just a heads up, there is a kissing scene between the prince and the princess at the end' she says as she looks at him sheepishly.

'Please tell me you're playing the princess' Luka said softly, looking lovingly into her eyes.

Mari blushed and giggled. 'No, I'm costume designer! Zoe is playing the role of the Princess Isabella.'

'That's a shame. But that's okay, I like Zoe, she's nice. And it's only acting' Luka smiled.

'Well, as costume designer, I need to take your measurements for your hero's outfit. Arms out!' Mari smiles as Luka puts his arms out to the side as she reaches her arms around his waist with a tape measure.

'I'd only ever let you do this my melody' Luka smiles as he stands up straight.

Mari giggles and blushes. She takes Lukas' measurements and writes them on her hand so she doesn't lose them.

'The Kwamis have been helping me with the sewing. I only have your hero's outfit and Adrien's warlock costume to finish now.

'Our tiny arms make intricate stitching a breeze!' Mullo said happily.

'That reminds me...' Marinette began. 'I still need Adrien's measurements.' She texted Adrien. Luckily, he always has them saved in his phone anyway, being a fashion model and all. He happily sent them over.

'Great! He's sent them, I'm all set now! I should be able to finish these in two weeks before the fitting.'

'Just don't burn yourself out my angel' Luka smiled, kissing her forehead. 'Say, why don't we do something fun now? Have a break!'

'Sure, where would you like to go?' Marinette asked.

'We haven't been ice skating in a while!' Luka winked.

Mari blushed. 'Yeah, that was fun when we went with Adrien and Kagami all those months ago. We never have been back since!'

'Let's go then!' Luka smiled as Tikki flew into her purse as he took her hand and led her downstairs.

They both had a lovely time, and Luka never let Mari fall once.


Two weeks came and went. Marinette got the hero and warlock costumes finished with plenty of time, thanks to the Kwamis help.

'Thank you so much for your help, everyone! These costumes look great!'

'You're welcome, Marinette! It was fun!' Mullo replied.

'Just one final touch' Marinette said, cutting a length of dark fabric.

'I bet it's a tablecloth for a picnic!' Roarr said.

'No, it's a cape for the warlock, see?' she replied as she pinned it on Adrien's outfit. She quickly sewed it on.

'There!' Marinette said when she'd finished.

'Ooh, very nice!' the Kwamis replied.

'Oh no, is that the time? I'm going to be late for the costume fitting! Come on Tikki!' Marinette said as Tikki hid in her purse and she began to open the trap door.

'Forgetting sssomething Marinette?' Sass asked her.

'Huh? OH! The costumes!' she said sheepishly. 'Thanks Sass! Bye!' Marinette replied as she grabbed the costumes and hurried over to the school.
























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