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Moolak is still firing at the Parisians and turns them into coins inside his vault.

'Sorry Ladybug, I tried hypnotising him to buy us some time but he can't hear it through the thick walls of the safe' Viperion said sadly. 'And I had to make sure I didn't get zapped myself.'

Ladybug smiled. 'It's okay Viperion, you did your best!' She looked around. 'Still no Cat Noir?' she asked.

Viperion shook his head.

'You know his identity. Could you maybe contact him for me?' she whispered, so nobody else could hear.

'No problem' Viperion replied and went away to make the call.

Moolak laughs. 'My money-making lasers are gonna make me even richer!'

Shadowmoth speaks to him from his lair: "Bring me Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous, Moolak!"

Moolak grins. "Depends on how much these trinkets are worth!"

Shadowmoth scowls. "How much is your power which I can take back from you in an instant worth to you?"

Moolak groans. "A guy can't even strike a bargain these days!"

Ryuko's whirlwind strikes from outside of Moolak's vault and electrifies it. The superhero team chases after Moolak on the rooftops.

Moolak laughs evilly. 'You'll never get your hands on my lucky coin!'

'We have to get to Moolak if we're gonna defeat him! Pegasus, use your power now!' Ladybug cries.

'Voyage!! He attempts to enter the portal he's made, only to be blocked by a pile of coins. He coughs out the coins inside his mouth. 'I can't teleport! The safe is so filled up with coins, there's no room!'

Probably because of all the time we wasted having to assemble all the other heroes here Ladybug thinks to herself.

Vesperia chimes in. 'It'd be simpler just to cataclysm the whole safe!'

Ladybug sighs. 'I know! I already left I don't know how many messages for Cat Noir!'

'Rena! Try your power!' Ladybug cries.

'Mirage!' she says, creating an illusion of people running away from Moolak.

'Perfect!' Ladybug smiles.

Moolak laughs evilly, shooting at Rena's illusions and making them disappear.

'Hey, why isn't my count going up?' Moolak scowls angrily. "Hey Shadowmoth, your power is broken!"

'There's nothing wrong with my powers, you buffoon! Just get Ladybug and Cat Noirs miraculous or I'll leave you with no powers!' Shadowmoth replies.

"Bossy old tyrant..." Moolak replies under his breath.

"I heard that! Takes one to know one!" Shadowmoth replies.

Viperion called Adrien on his hero phone which came up as an Unknown number. But his phone was on silent and it went to his voicemail.

"Hi, you've reached Adrien Agreste. I can't take your call right now, but please leave a message after the beep. *BEEP*"

Viperion hangs up. I'd better not leave a message for security reasons he thought. He goes through his phone and sees Adrien at the live press conference coverage on his video screen. So that's why he thinks to himself.

Viperion texts Ladybug back: "Actually, I don't think he could come even if he wanted to."


Inside the Grand Palais, the interview is still ongoing. Adrien looks behind the journalists and overlooks the battle above the clear roof of the venue.

Moolak laughs. 'I'm getting so rich!'

Nathalie speaks to him from the earpiece: "Adrien, your father is counting on you!"

'Next question!' Adrien smiles.


On the Parisian streets, the battle continues. Ladybug gets the text from Viperion and sighs. 'Looks like we'll have to do this without Chat then.'

Ladybug puts down her bug phone and activates her power.

'Lucky Charm!' A firetruck drops in front of Ladybug. She comes up with a plan to use her Lucky Charm. Her Lucky vision highlights Moolak, the firetruck's ladder, Vesperia, Polymouse, Purple Tigress, Viperion, and Carapace. 'Got it!'

Ladybug hurls her yo-yo around Moolak.

Ladybug smiles. 'Gear up, guys!'

'Multitude!' Polymouse multiplies and Moolak fires at her clones, while Purple Tigress and Pigella throw Vesperia towards Moolak.

'Venom!' Vesperia cries, activating her power.

Moolak sees her coming. 'Nice try!' He fires at Vesperia.

'Shell-ter!' Carapace cries as he shields Vesperia, protecting her from Moolak's shots.

Moolak is angry. 'Blasted super nerds!'

When Vesperia is almost at the safe, Carapace cries, 'Unshield!'

Vesperia immobilizes the safe and bounces off.

Viperion climbs up the firetruck ladder to get to the safe.

'Viperion, try every possible combination!' Ladybug cries out.

'Second Chance!' Viperion says, winding back the snake head on his bracelet.

Viperion tries the codes from 0000 to 0098 but fails, reverting time with each try.

Then he tries the code 0099, which grants access to open the safe.

Viperion smiles. 'Jackpot! And it only took me a hundred tries! At least it wasn't 9999!'

He opens the safe and coins fall out, along with Moolak. Ladybug catches the lucky coin.

'Noooo!' Moolak cries.

Ladybug cracks the coin and frees the akuma.


Inside the Grand Palais, the press conference is still going. Adrien overlooks the Miraculous Ladybug fixing the damage above the clear roof of the venue. He smiles.

'About your new commercial...' a journalist asks him.

'Oh, yes?' Adrien says.


On the Parisian streets, Moolak de-transforms into Bob Roth.

All eleven heroes stand around in a circle. 'Pound it!'

In Shadowmoth's lair, Shadowmoth is standing in front of the lair's window.

'I'll start over a hundred times if I have to, Ladybug! All I have to do is win once!' he growls angrily as the lair window closes shut.























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