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Luka and Mari snuck out in the middle of the night and met in the sewers again at 12:30am. Mari had transformed on her balcony before she set off.

'Hope you were able to sneak out okay!' Ladybug smiled.

Luka chuckled. 'Yeah, lucky it's Saturday night and I had our cabin to myself as Juleka is sleeping over at Rose's place tonight. Otherwise I would have gotten the third degree from my sister if she caught me! And mom's a heavy sleeper anyway.'

'That's lucky then!' Ladybug giggles.

'Okay, here's the plan!' Ladybug said to Luka. 'Once I get to the Eiffel Tower, I'll let you know when Cat Noir arrives. You'll activate your power of second chance. If he tries to reveal his identity to me, you will be able to go back in time five minutes so I will forget.'

'Are you sure the fact that I know who Cat Noir is isn't a problem?' Luka asks.

'Like I've said, as long as I don't know who he is, everything will be fine' Ladybug smiles. 'This is one secret I don't mind you keeping from me.'

Luka smiles.

Ladybug gets the snake miraculous out of her yo-yo and gives it to Luka. Luka puts it on his wrist, as Sass appears.

'Sass, scales slither!' Luka transforms into Viperion. They take their earpieces out and put them in their ears.

'Okay, wish me luck!' Ladybug says, about to walk away.

'Wait...' Viperion says, gently taking her wrist.

'Did you really think you were going to walk away without a kiss goodbye?' Viperion smiled.

Ladybug gasped. 'We've never done this in our superhero forms before' she whispered, looking uncertain.

Viperion chuckled. 'We don't have to if you don't want to, my melody...' he whispers, taking her hand in his hands and caressing it gently. His amazing voice sent shivers down her spine in a good way.

'No, it's not that. I want to, it's just... different. But a good different' she smiled.

She'd be lying if she said she hadn't thought about what it would be like to kiss Luka in his superhero form. She found his costume suited his body so well. She giggled and bit her lip as she put her hands on his chest, the costume felt like real snakeskin, she could at least feel the texture of it through her superhero suit. Viperion gasped, closing his eyes at her touch. She ran her hands down his arms and they joined hands, their fingers intertwining. She looked lovingly into his sparkling greeny yellow eyes, so different yet so familiar at the same time. They both leaned in closer and when their lips met it felt so warm and familiar yet her stomach still had butterflies each and every time they did this.

If Chat could see me now, he'd have kittens she thought to herself as they finally pulled away, both of their faces blushing red.

'We should do that again sometime' Viperion winked as Ladybug giggled.

'Yeah, I'd like that!' she replied, before heading to the Eiffel Tower.


On top of the Eiffel Tower, Ladybug waits for Cat Noir.

Viperion speaks to her through the earpiece: "Is Cat Noir there yet?"

Ladybug: "Not yet." She looks over the fence and sees Cat Noir leaping on the rooftops towards the Eiffel Tower. "There he is! Get ready!'

Ladybug and Viperion's timers reach at one in the morning.

Ladybug: "Now! We're in sync!"

Viperion: "Second Chance!"

Ladybug and Viperion start their timers at five minutes.

Ladybug: "The countdown has begun. It's 1 am, and we've got just five minutes before you transform back. So we've got to be done by 1:05. If anything goes wrong, you'll rewind on my signal."

Cat Noir upon landing on top of the Eiffel Tower sighs. 'I'm sorry, but I really couldn't make it earlier.'

Ladybug smiles. 'Hey, no big deal! That's the good thing about a team. It's not the two of us anymore!'

Cat Noir looks at her angrily. 'Oh, yeah? So then, maybe you can explain why Grand Master Su-Han came into my room yelling at me earlier? And how does he know my secret identity? If anyone knows LB, I want it to be you!'

Ladybug sighs. 'Somebody has to know, but it can't be me.'

'Why should Rena and Carapace know each other's identities and we cant? It's just not fair!' Cat Noir sighs.

'You know about that?' Ladybug replies, wide eyed. 'How did you find out?'

'What does it matter? You always said secret identities have to be protected, but it doesn't seem to apply to everyone!' Cat Noir replies.

'I'm doing this for your own protection Cat Noir. Rena and Carapace's miraculous aren't the ones Shadowmoth is after! It's ours! And we can't know!' Ladybug replies.

'Why can't you just know LB? Why do we need this secrecy anymore?' Cat Noir groans.

Ladybug sighs. 'No! I can't know! It's too dangerous! If Shadowmoth ever finds out either of us know our identities, he just needs to akumatise one of us to get to the other!'

'But I will never get akumatised!' Cat Noir yells back.

Ladybug remembers Cat Blanc. 'But you do! Well you did! You just don't remember! But I had to go back in time with Bunnyx to fix it! You found out my identity and Hawkmoth akumatised you! It was terrifying! You almost destroyed the earth! And I have to live with this reminder every single day!'

Cat Noir shakes his head. 'No, that must have just been a nightmare. I would never get akumatised to betray you like that.'

Ladybug sighs. 'I'm done discussing this. Now that Su-Han knows, he can contact you.'

Cat Noir sighs. 'Fine, we'll leave things the way they are. But I still vow I would never get akumatised!'

He vaults away, and the timer runs out at 1:05am.


In the sewers, after having heard their whole conversation, Viperion detransforms back into Luka and he feeds Sass some tofu squares he had in his pocket.


Cat Noir was still frustrated. I don't see why I can't know Ladybug's identity. I won't tell her I know, nobody but me will know that I know!

He decided to hide in the shadows and secretly tail Ladybug to find out her secret identity himself.


In the sewers, Ladybug returns to see Luka.

Luka smiles. 'Well, that conversation got heated there for a second!'

'Yes, well, at least he didn't tell me his secret identity or find out mine. As long as you and Master Su-Han know Cat Noir's identity, we'll be able to contact him, so we can avoid the events that happened today in the future.

'Spots off' she says, and feeds Tikki a macaron.

'It's late, I'm walking you home and I'm not taking no for an answer my melody' Luka said, kissing her forehead.

'Of course, my sweet prince' Marinette replied as they walked up the ladder to the surface.



















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