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Luka and Marinette follow Psychomedian backstage as he was looking for Bob Roth.

'Harry, don't do this! There is a better way to get yourself heard!' Marinette says to him.

'My dear friends, Marinette and Luka. I would never use my powers on you. You are the only ones who believed in me. But now, I must find Bob Roth.'

Marinette hurried away to the bathrooms to transform. 'Tikki, spots on!' she cried.

Bob was on his phone: "Forty years in the business and I've never seen this. A comedian who doesn't wanna do comedy! Can you believe that?"

'Hey, Bob! Wanna laugh? I've got something for you!' Psychomedian smirked.

Bob started to run away.

'Where are you running to, Bob?' Psychomedian called after him.

'Hey!' a civilian called out.
'Harry, you owe us a show!' another one said angrily.

'I can fix that! You'd rather be laughing?' He changes his face into laughter, causing them to laugh. 'Or crying? Boohoo!' He changes his face into sadness, causing them to cry.

Ladybug  appears. 'You've lost your sense of humor, Harry' Ladybug says.

'I'd like to think I've gained a wide range of emotions, Ladybug. From now on, I am Psycomedian!'

'Cute name. I'm not sure how I'm "feline" about it' Cat Noir replies, as he lands beside Ladybug.

'From now on, people will take me seriously and tremble with fear!' Psychomedian says as he honks his clown nose at them.

'Don't look at him!' Ladybug cries out.
'No problem' Cat Noir replies. 'I don't like creepy clowns faces anyway.'

'Thanks for the compliment' Pyscomedian replies as he jumps up, lands down and fights Ladybug and Cat Noir and honks at the civilians, causing them to charge them.

'The Akuma could be in his red nose!' Ladybug says.

Cat Noir: I'll take care of it. Cata-'

'Not so fast!' Ladybug replies, grabbing his arm. 'We need a plan to get close to him without making eye contact.'

Psycomedian lands on top of the bus as Ladybug and Cat Noir jump off.

'You wanna play cat and ladybug?' Psycomedian says.

'You know, for a comedian, he's really not that funny' Cat Noir says.

'That's his problem actually. He doesn't wanna make people laugh anymore. Lucky Charm!' Ladybug cries.

A makeup case appears. 'A makeup case?'

'Perfect for going out in style!' Cat Noir smiles.

'Of course! I can defeat him with my eyes closed' Ladybug replies.

'You mean... literally?' Cat Noir replies.

'Yes. But you'll have to be my eyes, kitty!' Ladybug winks.

'Clever, LB!' Cat Noir smiles.

Ladybug quickly puts on eye make up to look like her eyes are open and she starts heading towards Psychomedian.

'Huh? You lose, my friend!  That's so sad! Boohoo!' His face turns into sadness as he honks his nose.

Ladybug does a fake cry. 'Ohhh! Noooo!'

Shadowmoth speaks to Psychomedian from his lair. 'Such a beautiful emotion, Psycomedian. Seize her Miraculous!'

Psycomedian starts to move his hand slowly to Ladybug's earrings.

'Now, Ladybug!' Cat Noir cries.

'Boohoo!' She opens her real eyes and snatches his nose.

'Hey! That's not fair!' Psychomedian says.

'Cat Noir, now!' Ladybug cries as she tosses Psycomedian's nose to Cat Noir.

'Cataclysm!' Cat Noir says as he destroys the nose.

Ladybug starts to say 'No more evil-doing for you, li—' But she sees that the akuma is not in there. 'What?!'

Psycomedian cackles. 'You're just a couple of amateurs!'

Psycomedian's face turns into madness, controlling Ladybug.

Psycomedian smirks with triumph. 'This time I've got you Ladybug!'

Ladybug is now angry. 'You're gonna PAY FOR THAT, PSYCOMEDIAN!!!!!!!!'

Ladybug, in full anger, starts to fight Psycomedian, causing damage to him.

'Ooooh! It was a bad idea to get her angry!' Cat Noir says.

A car falls down at the civilians as Cat Noir saves them. Ladybug attempts to punch Psycomedian but he grabs her wrist and throws her away as Cat Noir catches her and puts her down. Ladybug ends up fighting Cat Noir.

'Hey! I didn't do anything!' Cat Noir says, feeling hurt.

'OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T!!! YOU NEVER DO!!!' Ladybug yells.

'Quite irritating, right, kitty?' Psychomedian replies sarcastically as his face turns into madness.

'LB, things are looking up!' Cat Noir says as he grabs her.

Ladybug yells, struggling in Cat Noirs arms.

Shadowmoth speaks to Psychomedian again. 'Don't let them get away! Ladybug is right there!'

'If they want to defeat me, they'll have to come and see me play -- and I will choose the stage for their last performance!' Psychomedian says as he walks away.























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