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I was so tired of walking around the careers expo. 'I haven't found any career to inspire me Plagg' I said to my Kwami as I sat down on a bench and put my face in my hands. Plagg just looked up at me sadly from inside my jacket. It was okay. He didn't have to say anything. Just having a friend to listen was enough.

Then I heard a voice.

'Something wrong, Adrien?'

I looked up to see Luka and Marinette holding hands, looking concerned for me. I sighed, more upset about the fact now that I keep forgetting my crush is dating Luka. Apart from Kitty Section practice when I can make it, I hardly see him since he doesn't go to the same school as Marinette and I, so it's often easy to forget.

'I just made the rounds to every stand at the Paris Career Expo and I still don't know what I wanna do. If I don't figure it out, my father will decide for me once again' I said sadly, looking down at the ground.

Luka goes to sit beside me with Marinette sitting on the other side of Luka with Luka in the middle.

'I've always felt that modelling wasn't really your true inner music' Luka said to me.

I sighed. 'I thought things would be simple this way, that I'd be content to do what my father told me to. Like you, Luka, who decided to be a musician like your father. Or like you, Marinette, you've always known you wanted to be a fashion designer. But actually...'

'It's way more complicated' the three of us said at once. We all look at each other and laugh.

Luka smiled. 'I don't wanna be a rock-star like my dad. I make music but that's not my career, it's my nature. What I want though, is for other people to be able to feel that music. That's why I wanted to be a stringed instrument maker; to make instruments so people can create emotions with them.'

'I've always been creative' Marinette said. 'But there are so many creative careers out there I just don't know which one to choose. Like I love fashion design sure, but I also love creating album covers for Jagged, or making doll houses. There's just so much to choose from!'

'My father arranges it all for me, but when I think about what I really actually wanna do, nothing! My mind is empty! I'm completely lost!' I say in despair.

Luka smiles. 'There's no one way to become Marinette or to become Adrien to find out who you are. You just need to learn how to listen to your inner melody.'

Luka leans closer to Marinette. 'Your inner music, Marinette, at this moment, sounds like you have just one instrument playing, just a bass guitar. So, it's hard to know exactly what your inner melody is. But if you work out the other instruments to add, your melody will end up sounding really beautiful. I know you'll figure it out!'

Then Luka leans closer to me. 'Your music, Adrien, sounds like it's being muffled by someone else playing a sad piano tune, but your true melody is a happy one. Pretty rock and roll, actually.'

Luka stands up and grabs a violin I didn't even realize he had.

'You will eventually find out what you want to do, but you can't hear it clearly yet. Just let the melody flow' Luka smiled.

Luka stands from a distance and begins to play his violin. It sounded amazing; I didn't even know he played violin! Marinette and I become mesmerized as we smile and look at each other. I was trying not to blush as we stand up and go closer to where Luka is playing the violin.

'Looks like you and Luka are pretty close' I said to Marinette.

'Yeah. Sorry it didn't go well with Kagami' Marinette replied.

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