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After getting dressed I ran down the stairs with my pool bag to take Kagami to the pool.

'Hi sweetie!' my mom greeted me as she saw me. 'Finally finished your science experiment?'

'Ye- well, no, but Luka's helping me with it while I take a break!' Suddenly my stomach growls.

'Maybe you should take something to eat on the road!' Dad says, holding up a basket of pastries.

I grab the whole basket and put one in my mouth saying a muffled, 'Thanks Dad!' as I hurried out the door.

Once I was on the street, I quickly finished my croissant and gave a piece to Tikki. Then I called Kagami.

"Marinette?" Kagami answered.

Me: "Kagami! Hey! Where are you?"

Kagami: "In the Tuileries Gardens"

Me: "Perfect! Don't move! I'm on my way!"

She started to say something else but I hung up and hurried over to the Tuileries Gardens.

I saw her practicing swordsmanship with her mother sitting nearby.

I jumped Kagami from behind. 'Kagami!' I cried. 'Ooh, would you like a brioche Mrs Tsurugi?' I said respectfully as I placed the basket on her lap.

'Mother, you remember Marinette' Kagami said.

'Yes, I distinctly remember your very...unique friend' she replied.

'I'll bring your daughter back in an hour! Ooh, do try those brioches stuffed with fresh fruit! It's my Dad's new recipe!'

I push Kagami along. 'Marinette, where exactly are we going?' she asked me.

'To the pool to help you unwind and relax. Practicing fencing is not calming or relaxing. My friends took me here a while ago and it really helped distract me from my responsibilities. I want to try to distract you from your disappointment.'

'What disappointment?' she asked.

'Of breaking up with Adrien of course! I'm here for you Kagami, just like my friends were there for me!'

'But I'm really fine, I don't need any cheering up. Besides I don't have my swimsuit with me and...'

'It's okay, I have spares in my bag, don't worry!' I assured her.

We got to the pool and there was a sign that it was closed.

'Aww, it's closed!' I said sadly.

'Okay, we tried, then let's go' Kagami said trying to drag me away.

'Wait! It says here it's closed because they're making a new commercial starring Adrien Agreste! This is perfect!' I said ecstatically.

'How on earth is that perfect?' Kagami replied.

'Because you're perfect for each other! Today is the day I'm going to get you back together!'

'But I don't want to get back together with Adrien. After all, I'm the one who broke up with him and...' Kagami began.

'Of course you did! You felt somehow that you were not worthy of him, but you're wrong Kagami! You're strong! You're perfect! You're meant for each other!'

'Marinette, you need to stop-'

'Right now I get it, it's out of sight, out of mind. But the second you lay eyes on each other again, you'll both blush and stutter, talk nonsense about three kids and a hamster and everything will be wonderful! Just like it is with me and Luka!'

My phone rings. 'Sorry!' I answer. 'Hello?'

I hear Kagami's voice. 'Marinette, I don't want to be with Adrien anymore. He let me down.'

She hangs up, so I put my phone away.

'Just trust me! I can prove that he's worthy of you!'

'But the pool is closed to the public, let's just go!' Kagami replies.

'Absolutely! Let's go...inside! By distracting the bodyguard!'

Kagami facepalms and sighs.

'First, I need to create a distraction. 'He he he he he!' I giggled as I took a photo of the sign and posted it on social media.

'Now what are you up to?' Kagami asked me.

'Just waiting for the Cavalry to arrive!' I smirked in triumph.


















SEASON 4 - LUKANETTEWhere stories live. Discover now