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In the bathroom, both Juleka and Rose are in a comfort room.

Juleka sadly confesses. 'I'm so sorry, I told them about you.'

'You told them? Oh no.. they'll never act normal around me ever again!' Rose says.

Juleka become more saddened and whisperes, 'I'm sorry...'

Rose takes Juleka's hands in her own.

'No, Jule. this is all my fault. I should never have placed such a huge burden on you. I make you worry about me all of the time' Rose says sadly.

Rose begins to smile. 'But hey. You know what? No big deal. I'm going to take care of this! I should have told them all about it a long time ago. I'll just explain everything and it'll all go back to the way it was! You'll see!'

Rose leaves the comfort room holding Juleka's hand and Juleka smiles.


Outside the bathroom, most of Rose's classmates are leaning close towards the door. When Rose opens the door, everyone is pushed back.

'We were worried. You've been in there, four minutes and 47 seconds when people usually spend an average of three minutes and 24 seconds in the bathroom' Max says.

'Well, I was about to tear the door off its hinges!' Ivan says.

'I was ready to dive in and save you!' Kim says.

Rose sighs. 'I see now how worried I've made you. Please forgive me, if I never told you about my illness before now, it's because it's not my problems that matter but the way I get through them that counts. And how do I get through them each day?'

'By giving them all cute little nicknames!' Marinette says.

'By always being generous!' Alya says.

'By always singing, just a bit too loud!' Ivan says.

'Exactly. And I always want to be that Rose, I don't want you to see me any differently. I want you to just be my friends who laugh and have a great time with me. Not ones who carry my book bag or make me embroidered cushions or worry every time I go to the bathroom!' Rose replies as she holds Juleka's hand. 'I don't want you to feel sorry for me because no one is happier than I am. Okay?'

'No more embroidered cushions, I promise!' Marinette says.

'No more book-bag muscle building' Kim says.

'And no more extraneous displays of affection' Alix adds.

'Oh well, I kind of like the displays of affection!' Rose giggles.

Everyone hugs Rose and Rose turns to Juleka.

'See, I told you everything would be all right!' Rose smiles.

Juleka smiles back.


After lunch in Ms. Mendeleiev's classroom, Ms. Mendeleiev was beginning her lesson.

'Today, we're going to study viruses, germs, bacteria, and all the terrible illnesses that are caused by them.'

Rose abruptly sneezes and everyone panics.

'Quick! Call her parents, hurry up!' Marinette says panicking, place a blanket on Rose. 'Put this on!'

Mylene places the tissues next to Rose.

Alya rings on her phone. 'I can't get hold of her parents!'

'I'll call an ambulance!' Kim cries.

'Alix, call the fire department!' Nino cries.

'They're not answering!' Kim says.

'I'll try Rose's parents again!' Alya says.

Juleka screams, 'STOP IT!'

The entire class falls into a deafening silence.

Rose was disappointed. 'You guys promised!'

Juleka begins to feel upset and guilty again and turns to Rose. 'I'm sorry... you don't deserve someone like me for a friend!'

Juleka runs out of the classroom crying and Rose follows her.

'Oh no... Juleka, wait!' Rose cries after her.


In Shadowmoth's lair, Shadowmoth grins. 'Even stronger than a painful secret and more painful than the anguish of solitude, is the guilt of the girl who betrayed her dearest friend. It digs a bottomless pit into her heart. Fly away my little akuma and take this amok with you!' He releases an akuma and an amok.


In the girls bathroom, Juleka runs into a stall, and closes it shut.

'Juleka!' Rose says as she knocks on the door. 'Juleka, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. Open up!'

Juleka turns on her phone and reads the mountains of tweets her classmates have started to send to her.

Marinette in a group conversation had typed: 'This is all my fault. I'm so sorry!'

'Everyone feels guilty because of me!' Juleka cries as she swipes her phone screen, which displays her friends conversation with countless emojis.

'Oh no, Juleka. No one feels guilty because of you!' Rose replies.

Rose sees an akuma and an amok approaching Juleka and gasps.

'Jule! Juleka, talk to me! Juleka!' Rose knocks on the door, panicked.

The amok enters her phone and the akuma enters her hand glove.

Shadowmoth speaks to her. 'Reflekta, I am Shadowmoth. Why let yourself be eaten up by such intense feelings of guilt, when you can turn them against all of those who didn't keep their word?'

Rose pleads with her. 'Jule, please resist. Don't listen to him!'

But it doesn't work. Juleka transforms into Relekta.

'Hang on, I'll be right back!' Rose cries as she leaves the bathroom.

Guiltrip also summons in front of Reflekta on the stall door.

Shadow Moth continues. 'Your sentimonster, Guiltrip, is perfect. All who have broken promises and are ruining your friend's life will take the guilt trip of a lifetime!'

'The first to plead guilty, is me!' Reflekta says, throwing the phone into the trash can and allowing herself to get sucked into Guiltrip.

'No! Wait!' Shadowmoth says. Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that! he thinks to himself.



















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