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I sat down and sadly put on the diamond shoes. Suddenly, I heard a voice:

"Sole Crusher, I am Shadowmoth. Your sister challenges you to measure up to her? I can give you the power to crush her soul instead! From now on, every person you crush will make you stronger."

This Shadowmoth guy made sense to me. If I couldn't make everyone happy, I will make them all miserable! And hopefully teach Chloe a lesson!

I stood up, feeling power beginning to course through my veins. 'They'll be crushed under the soles of my shoes, all the same!' I replied.

'All that I ask for in return are Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous. Start walking, Sole Crusher!'

I became a giant gold sparkly version of Chloe.

I began to walk around Le Grand Paris, stepping foot to everyone as I smiled.

'Mademoiselle... Chloe?' Jean asked me.

'Wrong, Jean-something. I am Sole Crusher!' He disappeared as I kick Jean. Terrified, people run but some of them disappear as I step on more people and grow bigger and stronger while laughing evilly.

I head towards Chloe's room. She is taking selfies from her phone until she realizes that one of her selfies has me behind her.

She turns to look at me. 'Hey! How come you're using my image without my authorization?!'

'The student has become the master, Chloe, and now, I'm going to crush you!' I smirk in triumph as I watch her squirm.

'Zoe?!' Chloe says as she runs away. I try to grab her but the door closes in my way.

Chloe runs outside and I see her try to get into a taxi. But I put my foot in front of it to stop it from driving away. The driver gets out. 'Hey, you! Watch where you put your feet-' I step on them and they disappear while Chloe gets out of the taxi and runs away.

'Chloeeee!' I call out after her.

She runs to the bakery I met Marinette at that morning. I reach in, but grab Marinette's parents instead. I put them down and stepped on them so they would disappear.

I grin mischievously. Nowhere to go but up Chloe! I smirked to myself.

After a minute or two, I tear up the roof off the walls. Chloe gasps. 'Found you!' I said, like I'd won the ultimate game of hide and seek.

This time I pick her up and smile deviously.

Chloe tries to squirm out of my clutches. 'What are you going to do to me?' she askes with a wavering voice.

'I'm Sole Crusher! And I'm going to crush you and your soul under the soles of my feet!' I start walking away. I was enjoying prolonging this and seeing Chloe scared and afraid.

After walking for a little while, Chloe says, 'Look, if you're going to crush me get it over with then!' she says indignantly.

'Not here, I want to find somewhere more public for you to have the ultimate humiliation!'

Chloe gasps.

Unbeknownst to me, I had walked all the way to the bank of the Seine. I saw a barge with "Liberty" on it and recognised Marinette and Luka on it, who I'd met this morning at the bakery.

Chloe saw them too. 'If you want to be my sister, if you really want to be like me, then I'm not the one you should crush!' She points to the people on the Liberty. 'They are! Those losers! Otherwise, you'll go back to New York! You may be bigger now, but you're still just a ridiculous copy of me! Utterly ridiculous!'

Then I heard Marinette's voice: 'That's not true! You don't have to crush anyone! There are no such things as winners, or losers! There's just... people, with all unique interests and other individualities!'

A guy in a black cat suit I can only presume was Cat Noir jumps onto a rooftop nearby. 'Did someone start off on the wrong foot this morning?'

But Marinette continued. 'I'm not finished! Zoe! No one will judge you here! You can just be yourself! You might trip, you might fall, and there'll always be someone to pick you back up.' She holds Luka's hand. 'We'll always be there for you!'

I started to doubt myself. Was this what I really wanted? To be like Chloe and alienate everyone by becoming a bully like her? Pretending to be someone I'm not?

I heard Shadowmoth again. 'Sole Crusher! I can sense that you're weakening! You wouldn't want me to take back your powers and be stuck with the losers, would you?!'

I became angry and confused being told so many different things. 'No one will tell me what to do!' I say as I walk toward the Liberty.

'No!' Marinette cried.





















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