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Back at Musée Grévin, Robustus is de-akumatized, and reverts back to his normal self, Markov.

Markov looks at LordBug. 'You are not the usual holder of the Ladybug Miraculous.'

'Uh...' LordBug begins.

Cat Noir cut in. 'Nope, but you were lucky enough to have been saved by the one and only LordBug, in person. I don't understand how you solved all of this, but...'

He raises his fist, as LordBug smiled and raises his fist to meet Cat Noir's.

'Pound it!' they say together.

LordBug opens his yo-yo and takes out a magical charm. 'Markov, take this magical charm. It will protect you from Shadowmoth's attacks in the future!'

'Thank you LordBug!' Markov replies as he takes the charm. 'I despise Shadowmoth!' Markov replies angrily.

'I think all of Paris joins you in that my little hard-wired friend!' Cat Noir replies, as their miraculous start to beep.

'Gotta go! Take care LordBug!' Cat Noir replies. Using his bug phone, LordBug quickly sends Cat Noir a message to read before he detransforms, before going to the male restrooms to detransform himself.


In Shadowmoth's lair, he sighs in defeat. 'Hack-San, I release you from your existence.'

He snaps fingers as the amok is released from his staff and gets purified. Hack-San, who is connected to Nathalie's tablet, disappears. Nathalie frowns.

'You had beginner's luck, LordBug. But I have experience, and I will triumph in the end!' Shadowmoth growls as his lair window closes shut.


The next day, Marinette's family have returned from London. Luka meets them at the bakery as he had the spare key.

'Good to see you back safe and sound!' he said to them.

'It's good to be back!' Tom replied. 'I don't know how much more of that woman I could have taken!' he whispers to Luka.

'I heard that, Tom!' Sabine replies.

Mari and Luka giggled. 'Good to see you, my prince!'

'Same, I missed you, my melody!' Luka replies as they hug and he kisses her forehead.

Marinette showed him photos on her phone she took.

'This is the tower of London, where we tried to imprison Aunt Shu Yin!' Mari said.

'But the guards didn't want her!' Tom laughs.

'I heard that, Tom!' Sabine replied.

Luka and Marinette laugh together.

'You better watch yourself...' Sabine says as Tom smiles sheepishly.

'Come on, I'll help you bring your stuff to your room' Luka said, grabbing Mari's suitcase.

When they got to the safety of her room, Luka says to Mari, 'I messaged Cat Noir you'd meet him on the rooftops you normally meet on patrol. You need to talk to him, it's important.'

Marinette's eyes widen, as Luka gives her the ladybug earrings back and she transforms and swings away.


On the rooftops. Ladybug swings in to join Cat Noir.

Ladybug looked sad. 'You... must've been pretty surprised to discover there was another holder...'

She's met with silence. She sits beside Cat Noir.

Ladybug sighs. 'I'm really sorry, Cat Noir. I should've told you. I mean, if I found out that you told someone about your secret identity, I'd... probably be upset, too. I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings.'

Cat Noir looked at her and smiled. 'You didn't hurt my feelings. You did everything right. Paris will always need a Ladybug superhero to watch over it. It's just... I realized that if one day that hero wasn't you, LB, since we don't know each other's identities, that means... I'd never see you again. Ever. And now, I just don't know if I can bear it. You're like... my best friend...'

Cat Noir closes his eyes sadly as Ladybug frowns. She places her hand on top of his, which brought him to his surprise as he looks at her.

'I'll never abandon you, kitty cat' she replies with a smile.


Luka waited on her balcony for her to return as Ladybug swings back up to the balcony to meet him.

'How did it go?' Luka asked her.

'Spots off' she said as she detransformed back into Marinette. 'It went well, he understood why I had to do what I did.'

'That's a relief' Luka smiled.

'But let's talk about you! It was awesome seeing you in your ladybug costume in person, even if it was for just a few seconds!'

'Luka was great Marinette!' Tikki replied. 'He was smart and resourceful!'

Luka blushed at the compliment.

'Sounds like you did a great job! Looks like you're Paris's hero today. But more importantly... you're my hero....' Mari breathed as she pulled him closer using the strings of his hoodie and kissed him passionately.

'Can we go for a walk?' Mari asked him. 'I want some exercise after that long train ride.'

'Sounds perfect my melody' Luka replied with a smile.

They went and found Andre on their travels.

'If it isn't my favourite couple!' Andre said with a smile. 'A Lukanette special coming right up!' he said, giving them their ice-cream while they stood on the bridge watching the sunset, sharing the ice-cream.

Mari began to shiver when a slight cool breeze came up.

'Are you cold my angel? Here...' Luka took off his warm jacket and put it on her.

Then he hugged her to warm her up even more.

'Your jacket is so warm my love' Mari whispered, sighing happily in his arms.

I know! Tikki smiled to herself in agreement.

I know! Tikki smiled to herself in agreement

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