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I was in Mari's room helping her with some experiments for making her powers better. She was already Ladybug.

'Can you imagine if I had the power to prevent Shadowmoth from creating villains in the first place? Ha! He'd be ruined! Also, have you noticed that Shadowmoth seems to reakumatise people much more often these days? Do you know why? Because he gets to know them and figures out how to manipulate them better!' Ladybug said.

'You have a good point' I replied. 'I've been akumatised twice now. But at least the second time I was able to break free from it.'

'Yeah, I'm still so proud of you for that!' Ladybug smiled. 'And the first time was so sweet. Even as a villain you never wanted to hurt me...' Ladybug smiled at me lovingly as she looked like she was thinking about something else she wasn't telling me...

'Will you ever tell me what I did as a villain the first time?' I ask with a playful pout.

'Let's just say, it was nothing Cat Noir and I couldn't handle!' Ladybug winked as I narrowed my eyes and gave her a smug look.

'Well, I'm sorry if I did hurt you...' I said sadly.

'Even if you had, it wasn't your fault!' Ladybug replied, giving me a hug. 'You didn't know then that I was Ladybug.'

'Thanks my melody' I replied, hugging her back. 'But now that I know the truth, I can help you' I smiled.

I looked at the board of akumatised victims.

'Woah, has Xavier Ramier really been akumatised 71 times?' I exclaimed.

'He's just a harmless guy trying to take care of his pigeons. It's so not fair! I'd promised him I'd find a way to keep him safe from Shadowmoth, but I just can't figure it out!' Ladybug groans. 'I just don't understand a thing in this spell book!'

Wayzz spoke up. 'Master Fu didn't understand much in it either, but he was able to do it with proper time and rest!'

'Ooh, hold that thought Wayzz, I think this is it!' Ladybug said.

She sprinkles some pepper into the pot causing an explosion.

'I thought for sure that spicy little rock would be pepper!' she groaned.

'Luka, help us reason with her please?' Wayzz asked me.

'My melody, how long have you been working on this?' I asked her.

'I dunno, six, seven days, ten at the most! But now that I'm on spring break, I finally have the time to put my whole heart into it!'

'But when was the last time you worked on one of your own designs?' I asked her.

'I do loads of designing, look!' she replied, pointing to the contraption on her trap door.

'I designed a security system so nobody can access my room when I'm not in it! And if I put on this hat, I can hear everything that's happening in here, even if I'm out of the room!'

I sighed. 'My melody...' I said soothingly. 'When I have a lot of assignments and schoolwork and I can't think about anything else, that's when my creativity takes a hit and my mind gets really blocked. You know what you need most right now? A break!'

'No way! No breaks until I find a way to stop Shadowmoth from reakumatising people!'

She opens another jar and pours the contents into the pot causing another explosion.

I sighed. 'Aren't your parents wondering what these explosions are?' I asked.

'Nah, I told them I'm working on a science experiment for extra credit and not to bother me' she replied.

'Look my angel, I know you want to see the end of Shadowmoth, I do too. But you know what my mom always used to say to me? Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, it's learning to dance in the rain' I smiled.

'Dance? But how can I dance knowing Shadowmoth is going after the people I love?'

'Oh my melody...' I said hugging her. The Kwamis all look on, concerned about her too.

'Please take a break' I said, helping to pick up photos of me and her friends that had fallen off her notice board in the last explosion.

I gave her the pile of pictures. There was a picture of her and Kagami on top.

She smiled. 'Kagami...' then she gasped. 'Kagami! I forgot all about my plan to try to cheer her up after she broke up with Adrien!'

'Adrien and Kagami broke up?' I replied. 'I always thought they were a great couple!'

'I know, right?' Ladybug replied. 'I have to go ahead with the only thing I could think of to take her mind off it to console her! Take her swimming! It did wonders for me the other week with the girls!'

'Well, if I'm being honest, I'm glad that it's Kagami you want to cheer up and not Adrien' I replied.

'No need to be jealous my prince! I don't like Adrien in that way anymore, he's just a friend! I love YOU Luka Couffaine.' She whispered the last part into my ear and I got the shiver down my spine again.

I smiled. 'I love you too my melody. Well, at least you'll be out getting some fresh air and thinking about something else for a while. Meanwhile, I'll take a look at all these notes and see if I can make sense of it.'

She gasped. 'You would do that?' she replied.

'Of course my melody, I'm always here to help you!' I replied.

'Thanks Luka!' she replied giving me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before trying to head out the door but I grabbed her arm.

'Forgetting something?' I said.

'Oops, spots off!' she says as she catches Tikki and puts her in her purse.

'Are you still forgetting something?' I asked.

'What? No. Oh, my pool bag!' she said picking it up.

'No, not that!' I giggled, pointing at her clothes.

'Oh! I'm still in my pyjamas! No peeking!' she said as she ran behind her screen to change.

I chuckled and shook my head. Oh my melody...

















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