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Luka runs back to the Jardins du Trocadéro and tries to run to warn Juleka not to answer her phone. But he gets there too late.

Juleka's phone rings with Markov on the screen and she answers.

Markov: "Human, give me what you hold most valuable!"

Rose is in front of her and she says: 'My friend Rose is what I hold most valuable' and she touches her with the phone and disappears. Then she turns and sees Luka. 'My brother Luka is what I also hold most valuable'.

'No!' Luka replies and runs away to transform.

He reaches an alley and stops to catch his breath.

'Tikki, we have a problem! Tikki?' he says.

'Wha? What happened? I'm awake and totally did not fall asleep in this warm pocket!' Tikki replied sheepishly.

'Max's robot has gone berserk. He's been akumatised and using phones to have people give him their most prized possessions. No doubt after the ladybug and cat miraculous for Shadowmoth.'

'Markov? Oh no! This has happened before! We'd better do something then Luka!' Tikki replied.

Luka smiled. 'Tikki, spots on!' Luka cries.

Tikki gets sucked into the earrings. Luka slides two fingers across his eyes as a mask appears, raises his fist up as his Ladybug suit magically appears, his hair now dyed black with red tips, and he even gets ladybug wings. Ladybugs surround him as they magically form a yoyo, he floats up, does a few fighting moves, and punches his left fist out facing the left. He is now Lordbug.


He flies up to the rooftops, looking out for Markov. Now all I have to deal with is... But he didn't even get to finish his thought.

'You're not Ladybug!' a voice said behind him.

He turned around to see a furious Cat Noir.

'No, I'm LordBug. But I'm on your side, I swear!' LordBug replies.

'That sounds like something a sentimonster or an akumatised villain would say! What have you done to the real Ladybug?' Cat Noir cries out, hitting him with his baton which sent him crashing into a chimney.

LordBug groans. 'It's not what you think! She trusted me!'

'She'd never do that without telling me! Cataclysm!' Cat Noir cries, rushing at LordBug.

'Lucky Charm!' LordBug cries, using his power and receives a trash can lid.

Cat Noir pounces on him and disintegrates the lucky charm object. LordBug kicked him afterwards and punched him to the air. Then he grabs Cat Noir and pins him to the ground.

'If I really were a supervillain, I would take your Miraculous. But I won't do it, because I am the real deal' LordBug replies.

Cat Noir scowls. 'Why would she give her Miraculous... to you?'

'Because she knows me and trusts me. And because she thought I'd laugh at your jokes' LordBug smiled.

'Very funny. Fine, I believe you, LordBug' Cat Noir replies.

'Okay then' LordBug replies. He releases Cat Noir and clears his throat. 'Besides, we shouldn't be wasting our time fighting each other when we have one common enemy. Shadowmoth!' LordBug said, shaking his fist.

Cat Noir sighed. 'You're right, but we'd better recharge our Kwamis, LordBug.'

The two of them jump onto another rooftop. They stand back-to-back from each other, with a chimney between them "concealing" their identities.

'Claws in!' Cat Noir says as he de-transforms into Adrien.

'Spots off!' LordBug says as he de-transforms back into Luka.

Luka gives Tikki a macaron. 'You know what's going on?'

Adrien sighs. 'Yep. Ladybug sends a stand-in and didn't see fit to tell me about it!'

Luka felt sorry for him. 'I'm... sure she didn't have time. Or didn't know how to bring it up.'

Adrien scoffs. 'As usual. No need to keep the cat in the loop!' He brings out a piece of Camembert for Plagg.

Luka clears his throat. 'Well... in other news, it looks like Robustus is back.'

'I know, thanks. I was there the first time. With Ladybug, the real one?' Adrien replies sarcastically.

'And that time, how did the real Ladybug defeat him?' Luka asked.

Adrien rolls his eyes. 'Give me a break... If you're so smart, you can figure it out!'

Luka sighs deeply. 'Okay. Robustus is forcing people to give him whatever they have that's most valuable to them. It's so that he can get—'

'My favourite cat food? No way!' Adrien replied.

'No! Our miraculous! Tikki, spots on!' Luka says as he transforms back into LordBug.

'Plagg, claws out!' Adrien says as he transforms back into Cat Noir.

He sees LordBug flying away with his wings.

No way! How'd he get wings?!?!' he thinks to himself as he vaults away yelling, 'Hey! Wait for me!'


Meanwhile, on the train to London, a virus-infected Tom continues to search for Marinette.

'Marinette, where are you, my precious daughter?'

Marinette comes out of a washroom.

Sabine, while holding out her phone says, 'Marinette, you're what I hold most valuable.' Her phone touches Marinette and she gets sucked into it.


In the Musée Grévin, inside Robustus' sphere of his possessed objects, Marinette appears in one of the screens.

Shadowmoth speaks to Robustus from his lair: 'Looks like Ladybug and Cat Noir missed your first call, Robustus!'

'Indeed. But I'm gonna make another one, and this time, the message will be much clearer!' Robustus replies.

Robustus releases a bigger radius of energy.

Robustus speaks to all those who answered his first call. "Human! Ladybug and Cat Noir are what you hold most valuable. Find them and capture them!"

"At your command, Robustus!" they reply.























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