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Back in Miss Bustier's classroom, Marinette walked up to Rose. 'I'm taking my present back, you'll just have to wait until your birthday like everyone else.'

Everyone is shocked. 'What? Oh come on, guys, she's not made out of glass!' Marinette smiled.

Rose laughs. 'Oh no, I'm gonna pass out from laughter so someone take me to the nurse's office!'

Everyone laughs.

'Hey, how come you never laugh, when I say something mean?' Chloe asks.

'Because you actually mean it!' Adrien replies.

Chloe crosses her arms and looks away. 'Ha. True.'

Everyone laughs.

'It feels great to have you back, guys. Please, don't ever change!' Rose sighs happily.


Later after school, Juleka walks back to the Liberty and goes down to her cabin. Luka is there already and he hugs her.

'Juleka, thank goodness you're okay! I heard you got akumatised today, I was so worried about you.'

Juleka welcomed her brother's hug. But there was something familiar about it, like she had already felt this same hug from her twin earlier today. Viperion? She thought to herself. But she didn't mind and hugged him tighter. It made sense to her that Luka and Viperion would be one in the same, because it would explain why Viperion cared so much. And she didn't want to worry him about the fact that she knew his secret identity. This would be the only secret she would ever keep from him.

'Thanks for caring about me bro' she whispered.

'Of course I do, I love you sis' Luka replied. 'You're special to me and mom, and Rose and Mari and all your friends.'

Juleka smiled and had tears in her eyes. 'I know that now.'

'Are you okay sis?' Luka smiled, pushing her hair out of her eyes.

'Yeah' Juleka smiled.

'You have such a beautiful face Jules, you should show it off more.' He grabbed a hair clip and put in her hair so he could see both of her eyes.

'Beautiful' he smiled.

Juleka blushed at the compliment.

'Always be more confident in yourself Jules. See yourself the way I see you. The way Rose sees you' Luka smiled.

'Thanks bro, I will' Juleka replied.

'I'm going to go hang out with Mari, will you be okay here by yourself?' Luka asked her.

'Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm not made of glass ya know' Juleka replied, playfully nudging him. 'Now go, get outta here!' she smiled.

Luka smiled. 'See you later sis' he said, as he headed out the door.

Luka texted Marinette: "Can you meet me at our special place? ❤"

She'd texted back: "Sure my prince, see you soon! ❤"


Luka had brought his guitar and was playing it, when Marinette arrived.

'Is that a new tune? It sounds nice!' Marinette smiled.

Luka smiled. 'Yeah, it's for my sister. I want to play it for her birthday in a few weeks.'

Marinette smiled. 'Juleka will love it!'

'Thanks my angel' Luka replied as he got up and hugged her. 'Thanks for saving Juleka today' he whispered. 'And thanks for letting me know so I could help this time.'

'You're welcome my prince' Mari replied. 'Although I can't help but feel partly responsible. We broke our promise to her and treated Rose differently. We know now that Rose just likes us for who we are.'

'What's not to like? You and all your friends are so fun and unique. The way you came together as a group to help Juleka like that tells me that you are true friends, who would dive in to save her from anything.'

'You really think so?' Mari smiled.

'Absolutely...' Luka whispered, sending shivers up Mari's spine in a good way.

She blushed. She noticed one of her pigtails was coming out and takes it fully out and tries to fix it.

'Don't...' Luka whispers softly, and gently removes the other pigtail. He gasped.

'What is it?' Mari asked softly.

Luka smiled. 'I've never seen you with your hair down before. You look so beautiful...'

Mari blushes even redder as he brushes her hair out of her face and leans in and gently kisses her, running his fingers through her hair with one hand and holding her close with the other.


























SEASON 4 - LUKANETTEWhere stories live. Discover now