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He doesn't believe in love.. but she changed the way he was thinking.

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" Ugh.. I don't know why you won't listen to me!! You have such an amazing voice why wouldn't you get selected Rose!? "

Rose• I don't know!! I am just.. nervous. I can't afford the embarrassment If I fail Alice Unnie!!

Alice• First of all girl.. you won't fail. And secondly, it's normal to fail for everyone. Please just this once Rosie!!

Rose• Bu-

Alice• Please..

She showed her puppy eyes to her sister and obviously she can't deny those eyes. Sighing in defeat she spoke.

Rose• Okay.. fine. But listen here.. You are dead meat if I fail got it?? You know in these auditions JIMIN himself is judging. And there will be two reasons why I will be nervous. First that he is my bias and second that he is a cold ass person!! Like- he doesn't even smile at someone.

Alice• Sis I am sure he will pass you. He isn't a cold hearted person he just acts like that. You should be happy that your bias is judging so you can perform in front of him. It can also boost your confidence. Listen.. If you fail, I am ready to get hit by you. Okay??

Rose looked at her sister without any expression and thought about it.

Rose• Fine..

Alice• Great!! The audition is next week so you can start preparing today. And if you can sing a song written by yourself then that's even more amazing.

Rose• I don't really have much. But I think one of them could work. Okay now go to your room I will start preparing.

Alice• Okay!! You can call me if you need anything. I will be available anytime. Byee..

She ran away. She acts like she is younger when actually Rose is the younger one. Rose and alice live alone in one apartment that they rented together 2 years ago. They don't have their parents with them because some years ago when they were going to australia the plane they were on disappeared. And everyone said that it might have crashed in the sea.

Rose got up from her bed and sat in front of her work desk.

Rose: The song is right here.. should I try to sing?? I need to figure out the guitar as well. Ugh so much work. Thank goodness we are on holidays. Okay.. let's do this.

She printed her song from her computer and started singing to check how the lyrics will sound.


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