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Jimin slowly walked to Rose's room and knocked on the door.

Rose: Unnie is that you??
Jimin: It's.. it's me. Jimin.

There was a loud silence and after a few minutes Rose came out of her room. Her eyes were swollen..

Jimin: Baby..

He was about to go near her but she stopped him.

Rose: Don't even dare you cheater!!
Jimin: Baby listen to me!! I didn't cheat on you!! It's all a misunderstanding and that picture, I already cleared the doubts on a live yesterday!!
Rose: I don't.. I don't care. After what I saw from my own eyes and that tweet of hers.. Jimin you could've told me if you still loved her!! You hurt me!! You hurt me a lot Jimin!! I trusted you.. but what I didn't knew was that you could be this cheap. You used me, for your own good. You used me so that you could make her jealous!!
Jimin: FOR GOD'S SAKE ROSE!! STOP BLAMING ME AND ACCUSING ME OF A THING I DIDN'T DO!! Rose.. listen to me. She just asked for a goodbye hug and that was all!! I didn't knew she would do such thing!!
Rose: Enough of your lies Jimin!! I am not dumb!! Please.. please leave me alone!! I just want to spend some time thinking about why I fell in love with you!!
Jimin: What?? Are you trying to say loving me was a mistake??
Rose: ...Jimin, I didn't say that.
Jimin: But you meant that didn't you!? Now that I think about it.. maybe my love wasn't strong enough. Maybe I didn't make you feel secured enough and now you are doubting my love. I never in my life thought I would get this much hurt again Rose.. I am sorry. Goodbye..
Rose: Jimin, Jimin wait!!

Jimin was about to leave but stopped and turned around again.

Jimin: And yeah. One last thing.. the pain that you gave me will not only hurt me but.. hurt you. And from now own all the pain that I will feel.. you will feel it too. I wish you a great and happy life.. love.

Tears were falling down from both Rose and Jimin's eye as Jimin slammed the door and went somewhere. Rose fell down on her knees crying hardly.

Rose: Why... What did I do to deserve such miserable life!? Just why!! I don't know who to trust or not.. I am even doubting his love.. he is right.. the pain that he felt is what I am feeling right now. But please Jimin.. I need a stronger explanation. I can't handle a heart break.. I will die.

She was a crying mess. Both of them were hurt. Meanwhile Jimin left in his car. He was driving very fastly while his tears were continually falling. The words of Rose were lingering all around his mind. He couldn't focus on the road and his vision was also blurry. Suddenly..

Jimin: Shit-


~ Rose's POV ~

I was sitting on my bed looking at the ceiling with a blank face. Suddenly my phone rang. It was Jungkook. I sighed and answered it.

~ OTP ~

Rose: Yes Jungkook??
Jungkook: Do you know where Jimin hyung is!?
Rose: No how would I know?? As if he tells me anything.
Jungkook: Noona it's not the time to be angry!! Jimin hyung has been missing since he left your apartment. It's been 6 hours!!
Rose: Jungkook calm down. He will be fine. Must be sitting somewhere regretting his life.
Jungkook: Forget about it. If you know something about him please tell me. We are worried a lot.
Rose: Fine.

I hung up. I thought about it for a while and then his words flashed in my mind.

" The pain that you gave me will not only hurt me but.. hurt you. "

What does he mean by that.. Jimin what did you do now..

I took my phone and dialled his number getting up and walking back and forth. His number was off. I tried to call him multiple times but he didn't answer. Worry and terror took over me. I wore my shoes and went out of my dorm. I searched on the rooftop, outside of the building but he was no where to be found. My phone rang.. it was a unknown number.

~ OTP ~

Rose: Hello??
??: This is City Hospital, we brought an emergency case for car accident a few minutes ago. I suppose you know him so I informed you.
Rose: What!? Car accident!? Send me the address of the hospital please!!

He hung up and texted me the address.

Rose: Jimin why are you doing this!?

I hurriedly inside the company and went to their dorm. I knocked on the door again and again. Jin opened the door.

Jin: Rose what happened why are you crying??
Rose: J-jimin.. he got into an accident.
Jin: What!? Jungkook!! Jungkook bring me my car keys hurry!!

Jungkook came out with his car keys.

Jungkook: What happened!?
Jin: Jimin got into an accident we have to go!!

They both wore their shoes and came out. I followed them to their car. We all sat inside and I told Jin the address for the hospital. I was shaking because of fear and worry. Tears uncontrollably falling from my eyes as I couldn't help but to cry. After a few minutes we stopped in front of a hospital and got off running inside. We went to the reception.

Rose: Excuse me, there was a accident case a few minutes ago. May I know where the patient is??
Receptionist: Uh let me check mam.. mam the last patient that came here in emergency unfortunately has passed away. I am sorry.

I felt like my world stopped.

Rose: What!? Y-you are lying.. please check again.
Receptionist: Mam I am sorry.

I started crying and fell on my knees.

Rose: T-this can't be..

Jungkook and Jin crouched down to my level.

Jungkook: N-noona get up.. control yourself. It's probably a misunderstanding- Hyung!?

He spoke and got up looking at someone. I slowly looked up

Rose: Jimin..

.. I got up and ran to him hugging him.

Rose: You fucking idiot!!
Jimin: W-why are you crying?? Stop crying your eyes are swollen already. Baby..
Rose: Shut up..

I continued to cry while hugging him tightly. He hugged me back burying his head in the crock of my neck. He left a soft kiss on my neck and broke the hug caressing my cheeks. He attached his forehead to mine. Only his arm was injured and had a bandage on it.

Jimin: Please trust me.. I didn't cheat on you.
Rose: Shhh.. let's not talk about it here hmm?? Let's go home.
Jimin: I love you.

I smiled lightly.

Rose: I love you too.. let's go.

He pecked my lips and parted away looking at Jungkook and Jin.

Jimin: I am sorry if I worried all of you. Let's go home.

They both nodded and looked at each other before leaving. Rose side hugged Jimin and took him back to the car.

°~ To Be Continued ~°


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