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~ Rose POV ~

Rose and Alice are already leaving after they packed their bags.

Rose I think that's everything..

Alice • Yeah I am done too. Shall we leave now?? The landlord is already bringing new people.

Rose Let him do that, we are leaving anyways.

Alice • Yeah. So let's go?? Thank goodness you can walk now even if it's just small steps.

Rose • Hmm.. I will be fine in two days.

Alice Alright you go sit in the taxi I will close the door.

Rose Okay.

Alice closed all lights and doors in the apartment and also locked the door after leaving the apartment. She came and sat in the taxi as well and the taxi took them to HYBE LABELS.

Arriving at the building, Rose and Alice went inside to the reception.

Rose Hi, my name is Park Chaeyoung, I am the new trainee here.

Receptionist Oh welcome, madam. Staff take her to her dorm. And who are you??

Alice • I am her sister. I have applied for the make up artist job here.

Receptionist • Well you can come with me. I will show you the staff room.

Alice • Thank you.

One of the staffs took Rose with her and Alice went with the receptionist.

Reaching the 8th floor where all the dormitories are, the staff and Rose got off the elevator. The hallway was big and there were multiple doors that said who's dorm it was written on it.

Walking for a few minutes we passed 4 dorms and finally stopped.

Staff • This is your dorm, and here's the key. You can go out of the dorm between 8 AM to 8 PM. There is also access to the rooftop but remember the time. For food you can go to the first floor. You will find the cafeteria there. And for other necessities you can call the receptionist. Sometimes she might not be available so feel free to go to a nearby convenient store. Any questions??

Rose No, thank you for your help.

Staff No problem. I will leave now.

The staff bowed and left. Rose sighed and swiped the key card on the door handle. The door unlocked, she was about to enter when..

?? Are you a new trainee??

Rose got startled and looked behind her. Her eyes slightly widened and she immediately bowed to him.. Yeonjun.

Rose • Ah y-yeah.

YeonjunI am sorry if I startled you. I was just going to my dorm when I noticed you.

Rose • It's okay. I am Park Chaeyoung, but you can just call me Rose.

Yeonjun Nice name.. Yeonjun.

He extended his hand for a handshake. Rose immediately shook his hand.

YeonjunOh? What happened to your foot??

Rose Well, long story haha.

YeonjunThat's fine. Take care then.. see you around.

He left.

What was that.. get used to this Rosie. You will see this everyday.

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