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~ Rose's POV ~

We were now heading back to the company as it was late. I told Alice unnie to drive this time. Jimin and I were in the back seat of the car. His head was on my shoulder with his eyes closed. I was deep inside my thoughts. Jimin suddenly moved and sat straight making me look at him.

Rose: What happened??
Jimin: Nothing.

I nodded and looked outside. He held my hand inside his caressing it softly.

Jimin: Rosie..
Rose: Hmm..
Jimin: Can I ask you a question??
Rose: Yeah what is it??
Jimin: Imagine if in the future.. there is a misunderstanding between us. What will you do about it??
Rose: Well.. first of all there won't be any misunderstandings between us anymore. And second if it happens by any chance than.. I will look into the whole thing without assuming stuff by myself.
Jimin: And what if you find out that I was the wrong one..??

I looked at him and smiled.

Rose: That won't be the case. I trust you.

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

Jimin: You are the best.
Rose: I am not. You are.. an amazing person.
Jimin: What if this amazing person suddenly proposes you?? What will you say..??
Rose: That was sudden.. but, maybe yes?? Hmm yeah I will say yes. But why do you ask??
Jimin: Nothing.. just a random thought. Have you ever thought about us getting married??
Rose: Uhm I don't know. I didn't think about marriage yet. I want to become successful and then I will marry.. you.
Jimin: Okay~ I will wait patiently.
Alice: We are here lovebirds. Let's talk about marriage when we go back to our dorm.

We both giggled and got off. We went inside the company and got in the elevator. The elevator door was about to close but then.. Bang PD came inside. Oh God Jimin's arm..

PD: Kids?? Jimin what happened to your arm??
Jimin: Oh Uhm.. nothing much. I got into a small accident.
PD: Be careful while driving Jimin. And where are you all coming from??
Jimin: Jungkook took us to meet someone.
PD: Lisa??

Our eyes got widened as we looked at each other.

Jimin: How do you know??
PD: He brought Lisa to meet me yesterday. She is a nice girl.
Rose: Ah.. she is my friend actually.
PD: That's nice. Anyways Rose, about your debut. I thought maybe let's start the shooting tomorrow?? What do you think??
Rose: Oh I am fine with it.
PD: Great. I will send you your new manager, She will bring you to the set.
Rose: Manager?? Is she a girl??
PD: Hmm. About 29 years old.
Rose: Ah I see.
PD: Alice, be early to work tomorrow. TXT are going to be performing at a show so make up artists need to go with them.
Alice: Okay PD Nim.
Bang PD: Alright then. Goodnight.

He said as the elevator door opened. We all got off and bowed our head to him before going back to our dorms. Jimin came with me in my dorm and Alice unnie went to her dorm. She changed her dorm to a more nearer one to ours a few days ago. Jimin and I changed our shoes and went to my room.

Jimin: Do you want to sleep??
Rose: Hmm.. I am tired.
Jimin: Okay.. baby. I promised Armys to go live with you when I cleared the misunderstandings. Can we go live tomorrow??
Rose: Uhm.. okay.
Jimin: It's gonna be fine. Don't worry they will like you.
Rose: It's just that.. I will debut soon. If any of the Armys won't like me then that can affect my career.
Jimin: It's alright.. you will be fine love.

He said coming closer to me. He smiled and ruffled my hair making me giggle.

Rose: Stop messing my hair.. let's sleep. I am tired.. I also have shooting tomorrow.
Jimin: Okay let's sleep.

We both laid down on the bed. I side hugged him from his uninjured arm so that I wouldn't hurt him. I placed my head on his arm as he wrapped it around me pulling me closer. We both closed our eyes ready to fall asleep but then suddenly his phone rang. He groaned and checked who it was.

Jimin: Why is Jungkook calling me??

He answered the call.

Jimin: Yeah kook?? What!? For God's sake why can't that bitch leave me alone!? Wait I am coming.

He hung up and sat up quickly.

Rose: What's wrong??
Jimin: Suzy is somehow inside the company and now banging our dorm's door. We have to go come on.

We both quickly got up and wore my slippers before running out of the room. I was about to open the door when he stopped me.

Jimin: Let me go first. Stay behind me.

I nodded. He slowly opened the door and went out. I followed him. And there she was.. arguing with Jin.

Suzy: I said I want to talk to him!!
Jin: Girl do you not have a brain or what?? How many times did I say he isn't here!!
Suzy: Ugh- Jiminie!! There you are.

She ran towards him but stopped after seeing me. Jimin held my hand tightly.

Suzy: Aren't you that bitch that Jimin showed me?? So this is that ugly rat you are dating Jimin?? Oh baby what do you even like about her??
Jimin: She isn't ugly unlike you. I like everything about her that didn't even ever exist in you. Innocence, pure heart, kindness and many other things that if I count them, you will die out of shame.
Suzy: What are you saying Jiminie?? How do you even know she is innocent?? Who even knows if she is still a virg-
Jimin: You-
Rose: Shut the fuck up slut!! Who even are you to question my virginity or character!? How about you!? How many times have you fuvked with different men!? Oh I am sorry!! I forgot that it's uncountable.
Suzy: You- what the fuck did you just say!? It's non of your business and I have never did it with any men!! I have only saved myself for Jimin!!
Rose: Oh please!! We all know how much of a slut you are!!
Jimin: And I know how many times you have checked in inside the same hotel with different boys!! Even the receptionist of that hotel was tired of your shit!! Cheating on your own boyfriend not with one but with several different people!! Is that what you really are!?
Suzy: W-what are you saying!? I never did that!! And what evidence do you have of that??
Jimin: Oh you want evidence now?? Sure. I will send you the CCTV footage of the same hotel, when you checked in with three boys at different times in one day. I can't believe it Suzy.
Suzy: J-jimin that's all fake. I didn't do anything..
Jimin: Suzy please!! Leave.me.alone.now. If you have even just a little bit of self respect left inside you, don't ever disturb me or my girlfriend. I beg you.. or I will be forced to do it the other way that you won't like. Get out of the company.

Suzy didn't say anything as she was lost of words. She took her bag that fell on the floor and ran away. But something from inside her bag fell down. Which she didn't pick up and just left. After she left I went to pick up that thing.. wow. Just wow.

Rose: She's pregnant with someone's baby, yet she is coming to you.
Jimin: That explains everything.. she just wanted me to take care of her baby that wasn't even mine. Forget about it Babe. Let's go sleep now.

I sighed and nodded. I threw the pregnancy test inside the garbage can and went back to my dorm with Jimin.

°~ To Be Continued ~°

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