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~ Rose's POV ~

We walked out of the hospital and walked back to our dorms.

Rose • Thank you for accompanying me..

Jimin • Ah, no it's okay. And.. I also wanted to say thank you.

Rose • For what??

I asked being confused. He chuckled and stared at me with a smile plastered on his face. His gaze was giving me butterflies in my stomach so I looked away while scratching my neck.

Jimin • At the rooftop.. you comforted me. For that, thank you.

Rose • A-ah.. It's okay. I just felt like it.

Jimin • If you don't mind.. can I ask you a question??

Rose • Hmm??

He stopped and looked at me making me stop walking as well.

Jimin • Are you by any chance an Army??

My eyes slightly widened at his sudden question about me being an Army. If he asks who my bias is I am dead.

Rose • W-why are you asking??

He smiled and walked towards me. He bent near my face making me take a step backwards because of how close he was.. my heart started beating faster when he kept looking in my eyes and his smile didn't leave his face.

Jimin • Cute.

He said and started walking again leaving me frozen at my spot. What?? Cute?? Who- ME!? I felt my face heating up but I shrugged my thoughts off and started walking too. I avoided his gaze because he kept looking at me.. what if he notices my cheeks?? Aishh-

Jimin • Stop over thinking chipmunk.

Rose • I'm not- chipmunk!? Who are you calling a chipmunk??

He chuckled and patted my head.

Jimin • You look like a chipmunk so I said it. Chipmunk is cute tho.. same as you.

He whispered the last sentence but it was audible enough for me to hear it. My cheeks burned even redder so I put my hands on them and started walking faster.

Jimin • Yah wait.. Rosie!!

He ran after me and caught up with me.

Jimin • Stop running I saw your cheeks already.

He grinned earning a glare from me.

Rose • Sometimes you're beyond annoying do you know that??

Jimin • No I don't. Because I am never annoying.

Rose • Ah God, pick me up already.

Jimin • Am I that annoying?? Okay then..

He made a straight face and walked in front of me. Aishh..

Rose • Y-yah.. Yah Park Jimin.

He didn't respond and kept walking so I walked in front of him and blocked his way. He was about to go by the side but I didn't let him.

Jimin • What do you need??

Rose • Aishh.. you're acting like a five year old kid. Okay I am sorry you're not annoying.

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